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Staring back at your reflection from the medium sized mirror hanging on the wall in front of you,  you wipe a streak of steam from the glass. Instantly feeling thankful for the small but nice things like this.

You couldn't remeber the last time you took a warm shower, and had a bathroom to get ready in.

You took your time, enjoying the heat the room filled with from the steam that was still clearing out from your long shower. Two weeks here in Alexandria, and you still weren't used to having such resources.

You pulled on a pair of shorts that got covered by a long shirt that flowed down to about mid thigh. His shirt; one that no matter how many times you washed it... Always had his scent. The smell of him worked into the cotton.

Daryl was still out on a run with Aaron; out looking for people to being back to the community. You were proud of him, when he told you about the offer and how he accepted. You knew coming here, this place... Was something that made him uncomfortable. This wasn't anything he knew or anything he ever really wanted to know.

But he was trying to make the best of the situation given; and for that you felt proud of the man.

The sound of the front door closing, makes your head snap towards the door. Laying down the towel you were drying your freshly washed hair with, you let the remaining water droplets fall and soak patches onto your shirt.

Walking fast out of the bathroom, and beginning to run down the stairs you turn the corner just in time to race into Daryl's arms.

His grunts lightly as you jump on him, getting picked up swiftly by his strong arms. Wrapping your legs instantly around his waist, and smiling into the crook of his neck.

His skin; which was beginning to look less red as his sunburn from the long summer was beginning to heal, and you could smell the woodsy earthy tones on him. The scent of pine needles and dirt.

"You're home." You whisper in his ear, unable to contain your smile. Causing his lips to turn upward at the edges too.

"Always come home to my girl." He whispers back, his breath tickling your skin.

Setting you down gently on the floor, you watch him slip off his boots and hang his crossbow on the hook you found for him.

"Are you hungry? I can make you something? Run you a bath, or a hot shower? I can--"  Daryl cuts you off with a slight chuckle, shaking his head at you.

"Think I jus want ta go upstairs and sit for a bit."

You nod, knowing he enjoyed doing this after long days. When he'd come home tired and sore, he'd lay in bed with you. Talking with you, or not talking at all.

Making your way together to the bedroom beside the bathroom you had just finsished up in, you watch him begin to take some of his clothes off as you crawl under the sheets.

The pale yellow sheets are soft; something so simple but something you realized you had missed.

The bed makes a soft squeak, as Daryl makes his way under the sheets beside you. Leaving the top part of him bare, only wearing his boxers to bed. Something he'd grown used to doing with you; something comfortable.

"Long day?" You ask him, as you both settle in. His head rests against your chest, as he lays down as you sit against the headboard.

Your fingers find their way into his long dark locks, running through them softly. Even with the grease and sweat lathered on, you can still feel how soft his hair is.

Daryl hums a simple response. This was almost routine; nights like these. When he came home and all he wanted to do was hold you... Or more so be held himself.

You'd ask him "long day" and he'd answer with a no word response. Until he chose to talk about his day, or you brought up a different topic.

This was the time the two of you actually got to have time for yourselves. At night; when you could talk for awhile about anything and everything.

"Want to talk about it?" You can hear his heavy breaths, and you're sure he can hear you breathe as well. As his head lays against your heart, listening to each beat. Each breath.

"Don't like being away from ye for so long." He mumbles, and you can hear the lack of sleep in the way he talks.

"I don't like it either." You say, massaging his scalp gently.

"Feel bad bout it." Daryl tells you, chewing on his thumbnail. A habit of his.

"Don't have to feel bad about it Daryl," You say to the man who lays soundly against your small body.  "I'm glad you have this to do. Having a purpose again I guess, I watched you feeling so lost for days until Aaron asked you about going with him."

"You'd tell me though," Daryl says and lifts his head slightly to look up towards you. "if ye didn't want me goin out there no more?"

"Yeah," You hum. "I'd tell you."

The conversation comes to an end there, as you slide down to lay wrapped up in his arms.

"I missed this." You whisper into the dark room, knowing Daryl is still awake.

The skin on your neck is soon touched gently by his lips, leaving a warm mark as he pulls away.

"Missed it too," He whispers reaching across your body and clapping his hand in yours. "more than ye know."

Talking with Daryl was always eye opening and revealing, but the nights he barely said anything was close to better. Those were the times you got to see his emotion pure in the form of the glimmer in his eyes, and the way he'd kiss your shoulder lightly when he thought you were asleep.

It was those nights of wordless pillowtalk that screamed his love.

A/N: For awhile I had thought about not publishing this one, but the more I read it I actually love it!❤

Daryl Dixon One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now