Sanctuary All Our Own

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The radio softly hummed some old country song, as the truck drove smoothly down the road. All windows down as the temperature was boiling, and even though the truck ran air conditioning... It really wasn't doing anything.

The melody of the chorus blew calmly in like the wind from the open window, creating a comfortable atmosphere in the truck.

Your right arm leans against the door of the truck, your fingers running through your hair. Your foot gently tapping along to the music. The sight causing a small smile to grow across Daryl Dixon's lips.

The mixture of your body swaying slowly to the music and the way you bite your bottom lip without knowing; makes Daryl feel something warm fluttering in his stomach.

The trip had mainly been quiet, conversations kept short and simple. It was something both of you liked about each other; the not needing to talk all the time. Words didn't have to fill the silence, sometimes the quiet was better.

You enjoyed having the silence, because it gave you a chance to observe Daryl without too much attention being drawn.

His hair that had grown even longer over the past few weeks blew with the breeze. And with the slight wind, the smell that had soaked into his clothes filled the truck. A comforting tone of the woods and cigarette smoke.

"Got somethin on me?" Daryl's low and sweet southern voice asks, his eyes floating quickly between yours and the road ahead of him.

"No." You say with a small smile.

"Then why ye lookin at me like that?"

"Like what?" You ask shaking your head, leaning your head against your fist still leaning on the window.

"Like ye ain't ever looked at me before."

You let out a soft laugh, "It's called admiring beauty Daryl."

Daryl grunts lowly in the back of his throat, straightening in his seat. His grip on the steering wheel tightening.

"Ain't beautiful." He mutters, resting his left elbow on the edge of the open window. Holding the wheel steady with his right hand.

"You're a bit biased," You point out.

"And you ain't?"

Laughing you pull your arm off the door of the truck, "I guess you could call me a bit biased, I just like looking at you. Wasn't aware that was a crime."

"Ain't," Daryl shakes his head.

Leaning your head back against the warm upholstery of the trucks seat, a smile continues to play at your lips.

"Gotta pull over," Daryl tells you after another twenty minutes of comfortable silence. "fill up the tank."

Pulling to the side of the dirt road, near the tall forest trees and bushes of green, he pulls the key from the ignition.

"Only take a minute." He says and gets out of the truck, his way of telling you to stay put. But with a stubbornness just as great as Daryl's you get out, with the need to stretch your legs and back.

Looking up, the once bright blue sky is now turning to a pale grey hue. Clouds rolling in and a cooler wind blowing at you.

"Looks like rain." You comment, still looking up at the sky as Daryl's head turns to look at you.

An annoyed look spread out in his face, "Ain't never listen do ya?"

Shaking his head, he too looks up at the sky. "We can make it back 'fore it gets too bad."

Daryl Dixon One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz