You Stayed

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Waking to fresh morning light streaming in through the thin linen drapes covering the window, your eyes flutter as they adjust to the sunshine.

Reaching your right arm out as you stretch, the spot beside you is empty. Your first reaction is disappointment at the idea that he left in the middle of the night, but as your mind drifts to the memories of last night you become distracted.

Last night was one of Deanna's parties; a night where you dressed up in a nice outfit and went with Maggie and Jessie who you had met a few days ago. Daryl didn't attend, and you knew he wouldn't be there. It wasn't his scene.

Walking home the streets were lit with dim street lights and it felt as though you were walking through a neighborhood like any old day. Like the world wasn't falling apart right on the other side of the wall.

Reaching the house you were given, you spot a shadow sitting on your porch steps. Walking closer, his head lifted as he heard the click of your black heels. Reaching him you smile as Daryl is waiting for you.

You and Daryl had something going on since the prison. Something not proven by kisses and labels, and not by something said. It was instead something you both could feel. A feeling that connected the two of you; a pull of sorts.

"How was the party?" Daryl asks as you sit down beside him on the step. You wonder how long he's been waiting as you spot two cigarette butts on the ground.

You shrug, and tiredly rest your head against his shoulder. "Alright. You know you could've come and seen for yourself."

Daryl shakes his head, muttering, "Ain't for me."

Sitting up, you look over at him. "I know."

The wind that blows over the two of you suddenly shifts and blows in not only a breeze but a feeling of anticipation in something more to come.

"How come you're sitting out here? You know you could've waited inside." You tell Daryl, remembering the first night in Alexandria you told him he could come over any time.

Daryl shrugs, "Didn't want to intrude."

You laugh, shaking your head.

"Come on," You begin to stand, smoothing out the black skirt of your dress. "I'll fix you a drink."

Smiling to yourself, you open the front door with Daryl following behind you. The house is dark when you both walk in, the only light coming from that of a small lantern sitting on the kitchen counter. Stopping by the front door, you remove your shoes. The heels that have squeezed and pinched your feet all night.

Walking to the kitchen, flicking on the first light in there and turning off the lantern, you realize you hadn't asked Daryl what he wanted to drink. So turning around and walking out of the kitchen ready to ask him, you walk right into his chest.

Daryl's hands reach out instinctivly and hold onto your arms, steadying you. Calming your racing and startled heartbeat, you look up at Daryl through your lashes. A shy smiles plays at your lips and you wonder as you gaze into Daryl's eyes if he's feeling this something too.

But Daryl being Daryl, you know that he won't admit his feelings first, for protection in case of rejection. You however, don't care anymore.

Your hands that had landed on his chest when you bumped into him, clutch onto his flannel shirt and pull him down towards you. His height differing than yours.

Stepping up on your tip toes, you make the first move. Pressing your lips against his, you suddenly have an idea of what heaven is like. You had always wondered if this would happen, and now it was becoming a reality.

Daryl is frozen at first, but you feel as his nerves melt and he begins to kiss you back. Slowly but surely, his lips move against yours. His hands tighten on your arms but not in a hurtful way, instead in a "I don't want to let you go" kind of way.

It isn't long before the kiss becomes something more and you both silently agree on where this should go next.

Hearing a plate hit the kitchen floor, your memory of last night is interrupted. Spotting his flannel bunched up in a pile on the floor, you slip out of bed and slide your arms through the warm fabric sleeves. Buttoning a few of the buttons, you open the bedroom door that was closed.

Walking slowly down the staircase, you can smell something in the kitchen. Coffee and something cooking; or rather something burning.

Turning the corner, you pause in the doorway. Still unseen by him, you are able to watch the scene play out for a moment.

Daryl stands in his jeans he had last night and his grey undershirt that was beneath his flannel covering his chest and back as he stands at the stove. You can spot a few shards of glass from the plate on the tiles of the kitchen floor, but look back to the man maneuvering around in your kitchen.

A smile tugs at your lips and soon your teeth are sinking into your bottom lip as you try to contain this sudden bubble of happiness.

"You stayed." Your voice startles him. It's a reaction you've never seen from him and it's fairly amusing. He jumps hitting the fork he's using againt the pan, and looks over to the doorway where you stand casually.

As he calms, a smile shadows over his lips.


"Morning." You greet back, and venture into the disaster zone. Grabbing for one of the mugs of hot coffee on the island table.

"Was tryin to make ye some food," Daryl admits sheepishly, looking at the pan in front of him and back towards you. "ain't too good at it."

You shake your head, a smile still plastered on your lips. "Its the thought that counts."

Daryl nods turning back to the food sizzling in front of him. "Plus, it makes you look domestic."

You hear Daryl snort, and you think you spot a small smile stretch out on the corners of his lips.

Placing the coffee mug down on the counter, you walk over to the redneck cooking at your stove.

"How often did you cook? You know, before the world went to shit?" You asks, leaning your back against the counter so you can look at Daryl's face as he cooks.

"Not often, only cookin I ever did was with the animals I brought back from a hunt. Ordered a lot of take out otherwise."

"Well I'm flattered that you like me enough to try cooking." You smile suggestively as you say this. And you can see the way Daryl looks as though you just revealed his biggest secret.

But he never denies it.

"You stayed." You tell Daryl again, and this time he looks up at you.

Shrugging, he responds. "Why wouldn't I?"

All you can do is smile when you hear that answer, it's a reassuence to what you hoped you already knew. That Daryl indeed felt something too.

A/N: I thought this one was so sweet!❤

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