Killing spree

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


With darkened golden eyes, Shiki spotted the warship that the burning vivre card was leading, quickening her pace, she heavily drop herself right onto the middle of the deck, violently pushing the whole ship further into the waters when she landed, causing cries of shock as the ship rocked.

"W-What's going on?!" one of the marines wobbled, trying to stabilize himself from falling.

On unbalanced feet, another marine pointed towards the middle of the ship where Shiki lifted herself up with shadowed eyes, vivre card put away, "Shiki! Death Bringer Shiki is here, someone get the Captain!"

Before the ship could stop shaking, Shiki lunged herself to the nearest marine, thrusting a haki-covered hand through his chest, ripping his heart and blood out before spinning around and shoving it down into another soldier's throat, choking him.

Getting rid of the two that was the way of her path, Shiki headed towards the door that led to the ship's prison in all standard warships, only for marines to get in her way. 

Seething in anger, Shiki deathly glared at them, "Get out of my way." she growled, speeding up for a leap, she shot her legs out, stabbing her heels into their skulls with a sickening crack and stomping them into the ground.

Heels coated in blood. 

The sound of a gun lock and loaded reached the raged-filled woman's ear but she paid no mind to it as she continued to fight her way through the barrage of soldiers, only occasionally grabbing a soldier and throwing him towards the array of bullets aimed at her.

Just as she reached the entrance, Shiki back flipped out of the way when she had no more soldiers to use as a human shield, and landed herself towards the wooden railings.

Clicking her tongue, Shiki spun around, lifted her leg high and quickly bought it down, breaking pieces from the wooden railings and swipe planks-infused haki the gunmen.

Taking four of them out while the others took a step back in horror, Shiki raced towards the entrance to the prison, just as a marine soldier ran in in a panic.

With a plank of the wooden railing that she kept, she hurled the board-pike at his chest, just as he finished speaking, Shiki shot off from her spot, down the stairs, and used the wall to spring into the direction on the ground with precision. Glowing golden eyes locked onto two shaken up marines that clutched onto their rifles.

Running pass them two horror-stricken guards, Shiki headed towards her destination, forcibly stopping in front of the cell that held her friend.

As she looked inside, her eyes widened, face turning as white as a sheet at the condition her friend was in. 

Blood was everywhere. On the walls, pooling around her, and covering most of her body, some wounds still seeping with blood. She laid on motionless on her side with her hands cuffed behind her.

"Rei...ka..." Shiki whispered in shocked, frozen in her spot.

Standing behind her, the marine captain cleared his throat, "Shiki, I should thank you for coming all the way here." he mocked, lifting the bloody dagger in front of him, inspecting the blood coated blade, "It was getting tiresome trying to get any information from her-"

Before he could blink, a solid fist met his face, sending him flying into the wall, creating a large crater, both parties exuding cracks from their sides.

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