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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


Its been hours since Tenma advised them to prepare the Operating Room and Law was beginning to feel restless in his gloved hands, standing beside the operating table with his tools besides him.

Standing next to him was Bepo, fidgeting with a worried look on his furry face.

Many of his men had rotated with ones that weren't in the room to relief themselves of waiting anxiously in the operating room, opting to head to the gallery for a break.

"Do you think that we were tricked?" Bepo asked, having notice his companion looking weary of the situation. 

Law remained silent, eyes shadowed by the rim of his furred hat. Memory of their meeting with Tenma flashed by, "No, I don't think we were." he eventually answered with a sour tone.

Bepo's sensitive ears twitched every once in a while, "Should we..." the bear trailed off, having a faraway look on his face.

Noticing this, Law looked up at him with a raised brow, "Bepo?" he called out, "What's wrong?"

The polar bear narrowed his eyes, straining his ears before widening his eyes in surprise once his ears caught something, "... Its Shiki-chan..." he murmured.

Quickly getting into action, Law opened up his 'Room" as far as he could, even pushing it farther than necessary as he furrowed his brows with gritted teeth in concentration, "Shambles!" he twitched his fingers, transporting Shiki with a scrunched up paper he prepared.

Everybody was surprised when a slightly blood-soaked Shiki, with both eyes visible in the open, landed on her feet. In her arms was a stone statue of Reika which was beginning to fade back into flesh and blood.

"Hurry and put her on the table." Law immediately ordered as everyone hustled into position, getting the needed equipment for their Captain.

Shiki quickly did as she was told, rushing to the table and setting down an unconscious Reika, gently.

Law immediately went to work but not before giving a quick glance towards a paled, anxious-looking Shiki just as she was rushed out of the room by one of his men.

He turn back towards his slowly dying patient and peeled off the blood soaked material from her infected wounds, a wicked grin settled on his face at the challenge before him, "This should be fun." Law muttered.


While reaching Law gave her a slight relief, it didn't settle her down to know that her friend could die or if there was enough time to save her. When she was rushed out of the room, she looked behind her, hoping that Law will save her.

As she was led to the infirmary room, Shiki continued to walk with a slight sway, passing the open door for her.

"E-Ehh?! Shi-Shiki-chan?!" the Heart Pirate called out, rushing up to her and grabbing her uninjured shoulder, carefully turning her to him, "I need to treat your injuries."

Shiki stared at him with a listless frown, staring at the man before her. She couldn't remember his name and this was probably the second time she met him, the first was when everyone introduced themselves to her. Turning to the opened door, Shiki pulled herself from his grasp, taking a step back, "I don't feel like it." she whispered even though she could feel blood sliding down her back.

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