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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


After breakfast, Shiki and Reika had split off since the latter went to go change out of her pajamas while the former headed off to the Control Room to visit the Navigators.

While Jambarl was manning the wheel, Bepo was on lookout on the periscope with Shiki hugging the large teddy bear from behind, snuggling her face in his fur while Captain was sprawled out on the bear's head.

Courtesy of Shiki.

"Oi Woman."

She turned her face to see Kyle had entered the room, a upside down hat in hand.

"I've been looking for you." he grumbled, "Here," he thrust the hat towards her, "pick a name out, there's only one left."


"For Kris Kringle." he huffed.

Shiki blinked in surprise, "I have to do it as well?" she didn't think she would be a part of their crew long enough for her to join them in this festive holiday

"Everyone has to do it."

She stared at him for a few seconds for reaching out a hand into the hat and pulling out a folded piece of paper.

"Finally." he sighed before leaving the room.

"Who did you get?" Bepo curiously asked, looking over his shoulder.

"Bepo, it's suppose to be a surprise." Jambarl reminded.

"I'm sorry." the bear apologized, depressingly.

"Penguin." Shiki stated, her cheek mushed against the bear's back.

Bepo perked up when it seemed like Shiki didn't mind spilling, "What are you going to get him?"

"A porn book?" she guessed, nonchalantly.

Jambarl could almost imagine it, Shiki going up to the register, porn book in hand, and buying it with a straight face, as if it was normal for a young-looking woman to buy a playboy magazine. The poor fella.

"Ahh, I can see land." Bepo pointed out, pulling back from the periscope.

Well, it seems like Shiki had some Christmas shopping to do.


As soon as Christmas morning came around, everyone had replaced their head-wear with something more Christmas-like or simply wore the Santa hat. Continuing their morning like usual, everybody quickly completed their jobs and task for the day, when everyone were gathered together, the Christmas party was in full swing as soon as the last member joined. The exchanging of gifts were quick and simple since everybody was really looking forward to the food and drinks as they were quickly grabbed and handed out.

And in the spirit of Christmas, the guys all broke out into the carols and dancing.

Shiki stared at Captain in her arm, lifting him up, face to furry face as she stared at the mini Santa hat on his fluffy head. She wanted to take a picture of this adorable creature and then put him and Bepo together-double the fluffiness. She then turned to her friend, "Reika, I'm going to my room for something." Shiki told her, handing Captain over before leaving the galley.

"Kay~" Reika smiled, using Captain's paw to wave. She then looked around the drunken pirates singing from the top of their lungs, swinging their bottles around and spilling some on the ground.

Sighing, Reika headed towards the table where the spread was laid out, some food still looking salvageable after being attacked by grabby hands. While deciding what she wanted, Leo came up to her with a drink in his hand.

"Here." he offered with a smile

"Ahhhh, guys look what we have here, Reika-san and Leo are standing under the mistletoe!" someone pointed out in a drunken laugh.

Someone laughed loudly, "Who even put it there?" before taking a swing at his bottle.

"Well, who cares, you know the rules, go on, kiss!"

"Oi, guys." Leo reprimanded with a blush, looking all flustered.

Reika looked at them annoyed as they begin chanting, "Boys." she mumbled with a huff, before turning around and pulling Leo towards her who was trying to diffuse the situation.

Feeling a pull on his uniform, Leo was surprise when he felt a pair of soft lips on his cheeks and slowly turned to realize his face was so close to Reika who was pulling away now, "... Eh?"

"Booo, that's cheating." the men booed, not satisfied

Realizing what just happened, Leo's face flushed all red, becoming very flustered as he spluttered out incoherent words.

Seeing this, the annoyed expression on Reika's face faded and was replaced by an extremely amused look as she leaned towards him, "You okay there?" she chuckled.

Her only response was face brighter than before.


Shiki blinked at the small plant tied with a red ribbon above her door, reaching her hand up, she plucked it out of its spot and brought it down to her face, twirling it around. She was trying to identify the white berried plant when she sensed Law appearing beside her. Looking up, she noticed he was looking amused.

"Something wrong with the mistletoe?" he questioned.

"Mistletoe?" she repeated before looking at the plant in her grasp, "Reika told me about them. She told me to avoid standing with people under this or else I'll get attacked."

Law chuckled at the reason she was given

"Is that so, but don't you know it's tradition to comply with the mistletoe's wishes."

"What traditions-" she was suddenly cut off as Law placed his lips over hers.

He felt her breath hitch as he suddenly 'attacked' her like how her overprotective friend predicted and could't help but smirk as he deepened the kiss, placing one hand at the back of her head and the other around her waist, bringing her closer.

The tip of his nose brushed against hers as he pulled back to look at her stunned expression. Law looked proud and leaned his forehead against hers, hands cupping her cheeks, a smirk present on his face, "Your friend is right though, you should avoid mistletoe or else you'll get 'attacked' just like now."

Shiki slowly blinked and stared into his stormy grey eyes, speechless.

Chuckling, Law leaned towards her side and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek before whispering, "Merry Christmas, Shiki-ya." in her ear.

"... Merry Christmas, Law..." she replied back, slowly, placing her face on his shoulder, as if to hide, her ears probably burning since Law was chuckling.

She was probably going to get in trouble with Reika for not being more careful.

She just couldn't help but let her guard down around him.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday everyone! Sorry that this seemed so rushed. Hope to see you in the Sequel, Death's Return.

Hope you enjoyed this!

Death can't have herМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя