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            I'm thrown off my feet as the door comes flying at me. I turn silver and the impact is a distinct clang. I reclaim my position and wait for the dust to clear around me. A blaster is held up again, no doubt, something beyond human technology but I will fight no matter what. All that training has led up to this moment. The dark figure raises the blaster again and I see a billion green lights light up in the nozzle, I take in a sharp breath. I attempt to predict the opponent's next move.

Aim for the head

        In a split second, I duck and roll under the blast and meet the figure with a sharp steel uppercut. I hear a distinct crack, I'm pretty sure I shattered his skull. I grab the blaster and turn as the figure collapses at my feet. There is blood on my silver hand and I hear the figure groan once and burst into ash. I have little time left, I step over the ash and bolt down the hallway. I hear a few more screams of terror from fellow patients. I want more than anything to stop and help these people but my time is short. I cut down one of the back hallways in search of Annie. I pray that she is hiding somewhere so I can hear her thoughts and we can escape.

I hear some voice in my head

She went this way, we must kill her

I have a visual

        It dawns on me that I have a distinct advantage; I know what they'll do before they do.  I continue to run down the tomb-like hallway, keeping myself silver all the way. I hear the sound of a cannon being charged up behind me. I pause for a brief moment, then thrash around and aim at the soldier behind me. A green flash almost hits me but I duck and watch the next Mog turn to ash from my returning blast. I prepare to fire again when I realize that the hallway leads nowhere. I need to find Annie as fast as possible. No doubt she went to the cafeteria. She can guard me all she wants but she can't beat hunger. I also needed more weapons; a measly gun will not cut it and the Externa can only help me so much.

        I hear another Mogadorian coming down the hall. I slide against the wall and drop the gun. I shove the balls into the special wristband that I carry with me for some such emergency and grasp the side of the wall. I focus and I become part of the wall. I suck in a breath and pause as the Mog investigates slowly down the hall.

She could be the invisible type, I have to watch my back

         Oh yes, you do. I grin to myself. He almost puts the blaster nozzle in my face but I remain composed. Every so slightly, I slide my balls out of my wristband and grab the rubber ball. I slam myself down and bounce to an incredible height, my head is inches from the ceiling and I land on the Mogadorian's back. He can barely comprehend what's happening when I turn silver and twist his head to the side. Blood sputters from his mouth and he dies instantly. I land on a pile of ash and I reach for his sword and gun when hearing approaching footsteps. I grasp the sword and the energy flows through the blade. I can feel the power of this weapon and I decide to try something. I touch the blade lightly. It stings at first but I let my Externa take over. I look at myself and I am glowing blue and black. The energy is empowering and I feel stronger than ever.

        Three Mogadorians round the corner and gasp in horror of this site. I smile maliciously at them and run towards them at top speed. They try to fire at me but my entire body erupts in blue flames and I reach out and grasp the first Mogadorian by the chest. He too erupts in flames and gives a high pitch squeal before he becomes ash. The other two are easy pickings and I race down the hall as fast as possible. I fly around a corner and head for the stairs. I barely have a chance to search for doctors or nurses or even June and Lance to say goodbye. I must find Annie. I go flying from on top of the stairs, taking them four at a time. I have never felt stronger or more confident. I meet a few Mogs at the bottom and take them easily. I burst through the door and listen for Annie.

Suddenly, I am hit.

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