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        I go flying through the air, crashing through a door and into an operating table. I let go of the sword and I become normal again. The pain is intense as I slowly stand up.

"Don't move" a familiar voice. It is still smooth but no longer sweet. I feel her press the nozzle of a gun on my head.

"I knew you were a traitor," I spit at the floor. "I can hear your thoughts"

"Shut up," the nurse says trying to dig the gun through my skull, "You don't think I can tell what that necklace means. The others will be so proud. We killed one of you two weeks ago and now I can kill the next. That must be a record. How much pride I will bring to him, then there will only be six more of you filth to hunt." I can practically feel her sour breath on my neck. "I hope to God you are Number four..."

"What are...?"

"Shut up!!" She yells and I hear the gun activate slowly. If this is death, it'll be a lot less painful. I brace myself. Anali, I think to myself, your sister's coming home.

        Suddenly, the woman sputters and gasps for air. She drops the cannon and I can feel her about to fall. I roll over and let her land on her face. I stand up and see Annie, bloodied and beaten standing at the doorway, but with a very satisfied grin. I look down at the woman. There's a scapula in her back and her blood is pooling under her.

"You..." I say, picking up another scapula "and your species are the filth." I raise the scapula, "I hope you rot forever with your sins." I let the scapula fall.

        I turn to Annie as the Mogadorian dies at my feet. Through the darkness, I can see her smiling through the dirt and grime. I return the smile and pick up the sword I dropped. I feel a shooting pain on my arm and I see the cannon blast that hit me. It's a nasty burn but we don't have time to wrap it up. That is until Annie holds up something. It's sleek and black, a stone of some sort. She grabs a hold of my arm and hands me something. A bunch of gauzes?

"You may want to bite down on that..." she says softly. I do what she wants and she presses the stone to my burned arm.

        The pain is indescribable. It's like pins and needles stabbing my arm only they are twice as big and are being branded into my boiling flesh. I bite down hard on the gauze and begin sweating like a waterfall. I thrash around but Annie keeps a firm grip on my arm. It's at that point I think I'm going to pass out, the pain vanishes. I let out a huge gasp of relief as Annie releases my arm. The open burn is no longer there, only pink clean flesh. I touch my skin gently; a bit tender but completely healed. I'm rather amazed at this stone, granted painful, but miraculous. It sort of defeated the purpose of the hospital in the first place. I open my mouth to ask all my burning questions but Annie cuts me off.

"We don't have time to explain, we have to leave."

"I thought you were a goner, unable to defend yourself."

"I may be a scholar but I know how to hold my own." Annie sniffs, wiping dirt from her eyes. "I was more worried about you being taken by surprise but then I thought, 'that would be impossible'" She smiled again and stared at the sword in my hands. She opens her belt and reveals several small handguns and a few scapulars. She hands me a gun and I hold up the gleaming blade for her to see.

"Those swords often have amazing powers," She commented, captivated by its glow.

        We suddenly hear hurried footsteps down the hall, and I give Annie a satisfied smile.

"I'll race you to the car," I say, grabbing the sword's blade and my Externa takes over. Annie is shocked by my sudden change and then she smiles and holds up her canon.

"You're on," she says smugly.

"The first one to kill as many Mogs as possible gets to take out the vans" I finish, we're about to shake but I decide against it.

            I take the lead and I go flying through the first Mog before he knows what's hit him. I continue down the hall, engulfing every Mog in my blue flames and I fire at any ones I missed with the gun. I have never felt so alive or powerful. It feels I might be enjoying this a little too much but then I remember they were the ones that destroyed my planet and people. I round another corner down the hall and spot another massive Mogadorian. I take aim and notice he clutches two bodies. I freeze immediately and try to approach slowly. The Mog snarls at me and practically laughs. I realize who he has in his clutches.

"Come and get them..." The Mog snarls, dangling them in front of him.

            I feel a boiling rage inside of me. I have never felt anger like this before; I let it fuel my growing combustion of flames. The light gets brighter and brighter, the gun in my hand is consumed as well until the entire hallway is bright blue light. I can see the Mog with the two bodies and I slowly take a step towards him. The Mog tries to show no fear but I can see a tremble in his stance. I smile maliciously and I raise a hand. I focus my strength on this fireball I create in my hand. It becomes bigger and brighter as the Mog's fear grows. Then I take aim and blast the Mogadorian with the massive fireball. He drops the bodies in fear and attempts to run but the ball consumes him before he takes the first step. I hear one piercing scream before the Mog turns to ash. I smile and raise my blue fist in triumph.

            I hear moaning and I am reminded of what I need to do. I douse my light and release the sword to become normal again. I rush to the bodies of my friends. I rush to June first. Her face is swollen badly and there is a gash in her stomach. I immediately try to find something to stop the bleeding. June reaches up and stops me.

"You came young child, I am glad I can behold you in all your glory before I die." She coughs harshly and more blood stains her hospital robe. I feel my face wet with tears as I try to help her.

"Leave me, young child, my time is coming...I...I must prepare to enter his kingdom..."

"You... you can't g-go" I weep, clutching her hand. "P-please stay for your children and grandchildren..."

"I have none...I've always known I- I had none...I simply... let the Lord take my body and mind slowly. Anyway, he wanted... but-t my young child, he-he sent me to you-you would be my last friend that would allow me She stopped short, her breathing became shallower and she grabbed my other hand.

I finish her sentence "... to allow you to die happily and peacefully. No longer lonely"

"Yes..." She says softly. "I-I am ready Lord, welcome me into your kingdom..." She died there in my arms. My body was racked with sobs; it felt my heart had been ripped in two and stomped into a billion pieces. I held her until I hear the sounds of gunfire. I open my hand and find June's rosary in my hand. I cling to it as tears continue to run down my face.

            I realize I can at least save another, for June. I run to Lance. His wounds are less severe and I'm sure he will live. I pick him up and run to an adjacent room. I place him on the nearest bed. I stick the IV fluids in his arms, put his body on a ventilator and run to find bandages. I tear apart a nearby supply closet for gauze and cleaning solution. I tear back into the room and find two stab wounds on Lance's stomach. I immediately spray the solution on them and wrap them up tightly. Lance convulses a bit but his breathing remains even and he seems consciously aware of what I'm doing. When I finish wrapping the wounds I find an antithetic tank and have Lance take in some. I tell him what to say to the police as he slowly fades away from me. I have to protect our cover as best I can. I kiss him once and then I dash out the door. I retrieve the sword and I run down the hall again and spot an open window. I think and then turn stainless steel and crash through it.

        I feel lighter than air as I soar over the parking lot. I scan for the car and notice two black vans that no doubt held more Mogadorian soldiers. I aim for the trucks and allow myself to fall gracefully on down to the vehicle. The roof crunches like a tin can and I feel very satisfied. I jump off without a scratch and run at the other van. I lift it up with all my strength and toss it into an ambulance.  I run out of the parking lot and search for Annie.

I find her parked on a nearby street and I hop into the passenger side.

I hardly get to hear Annie say she wins when I black out.

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