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        I run to the park in tears and sit on the swings. My entire body is racked with sobs because I know she's right. I'm now full of guilt, if I blow my cover now, that's one less for our cause.  I sit with my head in my hands for the longest time as the sun sinks lower and lower over the horizon. Eventually, I raise my head up and its dusk.

        The park feels eerie and even scary. Sharp shadows are growing around me and there is a hot breeze that swings the set in a freaky manner. My heart begins to beat faster and I shiver a bit. I let my intuition take over and listen for any approaching people. There's nothing but the crickets and the occasional warm breeze in the surrounding bushes. 

        I dig my sneakers into the ground and draw my symbol in the dirt. I hold my pendant in my hands and give it a kiss. If I am supposed to grow into another elder's role, give me some sign you're watching over me. I whisper something in a tongue I've never spoken before. My hand grows warm suddenly and I drop my pendant; it seems to be glowing a bit. It flickers in and out, almost like static on a radio or even a heartbeat. This must be the sign. I think. The light continues to get brighter and the beam becomes more fixed. I speak again in the language and the pendant again flickers, almost copying my voice.

        Is it some kind way to contact the others? I speak in English and the pendant does not flicker. Does it only understand Loric? I speak in the tongue and the pendent sputters at the sound of my voice. I ask who my Elder is... the pendent copies my voice. I wait for a response. Nothing happens. I assume I might have activated something with my Loric ability and suddenly a soft voice responds. The pendant shimmers on its own as the voice replies. I don't understand it but I get excited. I ask it in English and the glow stops and my pendant lies limply around my neck.

        I'm frustrated and excited; I have to tell Annie what happened. I'm sure my Elder just spoke to me. Maybe they aren't dead after all but living...waiting for us to make contact. I jump off the swing and run for the building. I take the steps two at a time and reach the landing. I freeze and look at the door. There are three huge cannon blasts in the frame!

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