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        I can't remember when the earthquake ceased but it must've been early in the morning or almost noon. Everyone around me was asleep including Hanalei and Jonobi. I stand up, knowing that I have to leave before the Mogs start searching in the rubble if any of them are still alive. I kiss both Hanalei and Jonobi and then creep around the sleeping bodies. I reach the stairs and slowly take a final look at the two kids sleeping in the corner.

        I reach the top of the stairs and try the door. It's sealed tight, the surrounding house must've collapsed in and leaving us trapped. It could be months before a rescue team could find them. Knowing I'll have to blow my cover, I concentrate on the door. Nothing happens at first, just a few rumbles and creaks. I push hard with my mind to try and break through the door. There's another rumble and I feel something about to give way. I concentrate the hardest I ever have, putting all the rage and sadness about Annie into this one last push. The door goes flying and the rubble behind it does too.

        I'm met with blinding sunlight and a slight breeze. I clamber over the remaining rubble into the ruins of a former suburban house. I step lightly, trying not to disturb anything that could collapse in at any moment. I head towards what I thought was the front door and take in the disaster scene. The street is no longer a street. More like a crushed pile of rubble with cars as the topping. This must've been the most violent and devastating earthquake they've ever had. I've never experienced an earthquake before and I'm in no hurry to encounter another.

        I clamber over the collapsed walls of what I think was the living room and make my way for the crushed street. All at once, I hear a cry for help. It's coming from next door. I really feel like I need to run but the screams are so painful to hear. I couldn't save Annie but I can spare at least another's life. I climb through to the next house and I call back. The screams get more frequent now that someone's responded. I follow the noises until I reach the back of the house. I crouch through a massive crack and spy the top of someone's head.

        It's an old man who seems to be wedged between a 2-tonne slab of concrete. It's eight feet long and very thick. I tell the man I'm here and I'll get him out. He begins to ask frantic questions but I drone it out as I try to concentrate. I've never lifted anything this heavy before with my telekinesis and ditching training was not a good idea. I concentrate extremely hard, letting the memories of Annie and anger at the Mogadorians flow through me. I try to move to the slab but nothing happens. I try once more but the slab doesn't budge. I don't want to try and move it too quickly because it might shift and crush the man.

        I can hear the man begging or praying for help and I begin to cry. Maybe Annie was right, I'm far from being ready to fight any army if I can't even help this poor man. I slam my fist on the ground and to my surprise, it makes a deep hole. I stop and try something. I pick up a huge chunk of rubble and squeeze. It crumbles into tiny pebbles in my grip and it doesn't hurt. I snap back to the moment of when that glass shattered at our apartment.

Could it be?

        I rush over to the far end of the concrete and start to pull up. At first, nothing happens but ever so slowly the concrete begins to move in my grip. It's unbelievably heavy but not as heavy as if a human was lifting it. The slab is moving, but it's not enough for the man to move out. I think of Annie and the Mogs, letting the emotions come rushing back to empower me. The concrete continues to move and the burden lessens as I become more and more enraged. I continue to push the rock over my head and I gradually get closer to the base of the slab, standing it straight up. I tell the man to get out and I continue to push until I've flipped the rock completely over, letting it fall to the side with a crash.

        I fall over panting and I see the man slowly crawl out. I meet his eyes for a moment and then force myself up. He asks me my name desperately.

"Sofia..." I pant, "Sofia Garcia."

I grab my bag and turn towards the road. I hear the man thank me but I begin to run as fast as my legs will take me. I never looked back.

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