Chapter Thirteen | Great Way To Die

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I grunted tiredly as I launched the now non-attached arm of the dead man laying on the dirt beside me into the air. Blood gushed from the area that his arm was once connected to. I almost felt bad staring down at his mutilated figure. Crimson soaked through his dark grey v-neck, and the scent of it made my stomach queasy.

Annoyed by the world around me, I swiftly wiped the sweat from my forehead using the back of my blood-stained hand, no doubt leaving a large red smudge. My chest heaved up and down as I tried regaining my breath. I could feel my heart palpitating wildly in my chest, and my brain felt like it was about to explode.

With a sigh, I sunk down onto my butt, taking a seat next to the dead dude. My clothes were already a bloodied mess, so sitting in it didn't really matter to m e. I leaned over and lazily snatched the wallet from his jean pocket.

"Woah, a whole twenty," I deadpanned sarcastically. "Thanks, dude," I mumbled taking the twenty and tossing the wallet causing it to land in a dark red puddle. I held the bill in front of me just analyzing it. My fingers fiddled with the sides of it leaving red stains all over it's green surface. "I don't even want it anymore," I muttered, flicking away the bill.

Every thing seemed to be utterly against me the past week and a half. I mean, I get it. I'd probably done a lot to deserve most of what had been happening, but a person would think that the universe would cut a kid who got abandoned as a child a bit of slack.

I guess not.

After Matteo and I's disagreement on the training fields, I actually ended up going back to the pack house. In that moment, I would have blatantly told anyone that I, Kaia Aalish, am a coward. I openly accepted and embraced the title. I had all of the opportunities in the world to run—to get the hell away from pack life and never look back just like I said I would, but instead I just sat in the middle of the woods for three hours.

Eventually, I decided that I didn't want to sit in the rain any longer, since it had started raining about two hours into the deep contemplation of my life, and went back to the pack house. To say that a lot of people were surprised to see me show back up would be an understatement. One guy actually fell out of his chair which I found to be slightly extra, but I can dig it.

I passed Matteo in the hallway. He was coming out from his office seeming just as pissed off as he had been when I had lead the pack to think I was leaving. He stopped in front of me with his brawny arms crossed over his muscular chest. A serious look overcame his face which I just pushed away and mumbled a quick 'I'm going to the room' as I brushed past him. I really was not in the mood to argue, especially not soaking wet.

I tried acting like everything he had said to me didn't affect me, but it actually caused this weird feeling to swell within me. It was suffocating, and I hated it. It was this feeling that made me want to cry and scream at the top of my lungs all at the same time. He made it seem like I never tried—like it didn't kill me to sit in this pack house and attempt to interact with a bunch of people who just see me as some rogue. He made it seem like I didn't care what he wanted, and that angered me to the point where I wanted to smash something.

Eventually, I did. The longer I sat in the room alone, the more the anger settled in. With most people, time allows anger to dissipate. Unfortunately for me, my anger cooked and turned my crying feeling into one that had me breaking everything in Matteo's room and eventually the front door on my way the f--k out of Matteo's pack house and territory after being completely ignored by him for two days.

Trying to live in that house has been one of the most difficult things that I've ever willingly forced myself to do. I forced myself to talk to people and be sort of civil. He just doesn't get how hard it is to change yourself from how you were raised. I was always taught that the rogue way was the right way. Being with Matteo goes against everything I know.

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