Epilogue | Its Just Puppy Love

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Soft kisses trailing my jawline invaded my personal bubble, pulling me from my slumber. Forcing my eyes open, I observed the perpetrator. His deep blue eyes finding my own, clouded by sleep. I growled lowly, giving him the nastiest look I could muster at 8 AM and rolled away.

"Ooh, scary," he commented mockingly. "I thought monsters were supposed to be under the bed?"

"Well, this one sleeps in it," I snapped. I didn't want to get out of bed, but I knew I had to. The bed dipped a bit as he moved closer to me. His soft lips kissed the skin on the back of my neck making the hair on my arms stand up.

"You're not actually scary," he whispered. I growled again and elbowed him in the chest. He laughed, falling back into the mattress. "You are mean, though."

"Hm," I grunted with my face shoved into my pillow. With another laugh, I felt Matteo sit up in the bed and heard the click of his phone being unlocked.

"You going to wake her up, or do you want me to?"

I sighed tiredly. I already knew what that meant. He wanted a shower before work and didn't want to deal with any extra morning duties.

"I got it,"I sighed and rolled out of bed like a log. My feet thudded against the floor heavily. No matter how many times I woke up early, I was never going to be a morning person.

"I love you, Elle," Matteo called out. I didn't respond. My words weren't ready yet.

Padding my way down the hall, I rounded the corner to face the white, oak door. My eyes wandered to the same two half-peeled off stickers that I still couldn't get off. It had become a routine. Rolling my eyes, I gripped the door knob and gently pushed the door open. Soft snores met my ears as I flicked on the light, illuminating the soft pink room.

My little girl laid sprawled out in the bed big enough to fit a midget. Her mess of dark hair covering her face and pillow. My heart swelled, taking in her perfect, sleeping features, the dainty button nose swarmed by a light dusting of freckles, thick lashes that barely touched her cheeks. Her skin was fair, unfortunately not being able to snatch her father's olive tone. Regardless, she was beautiful. The contrast of the pale skin and dark hair making her my very own Sleeping Beauty.

I walked over to her peaceful form and crouched down. My hand rubbed soothingly up and down her back as I tried to ease her awake. She stirred a bit. Her nose scrunched up, clearly not ready to face the world yet.

"Joey, wake up," I cooed. Her cerulean eyes slowly popped open, drifting up to mine. I smiled warmly and earned one in response. "Morning, pretty girl."

It swiftly flipped, however, as she whined, "I'on wanna go ta-day." I gave her a lopsided smile. Mornings like these happened more often than not.

"I know, I know. Kindergarten is hard." She was a lot like me in the sense that neither of us had much of an interest in learning. Matteo and I just hoped she would grow out of it. Realizing that she wasn't going to be winning this argument, her bottom lip jutted out, and tears gathered in her eyes. I frowned. Matteo was much better at being the parent when Joanna started crying. "Come on. No tears, no tears."

"Mummy, I'on wanna," she argued. The crack in her voice made my heart break a little.

"Daddy won't be happy if you stay home, again," I warned. A little tear slipped down her cheek making the chasm in my heart split further. I kissed it away.

"Jo-Jo," Matteo's voice chimed in from behind us. We both turned to see his large figure standing in the doorway with a brow raised, "it's time for school." Joey's hands shot out to fist the fabric of my shirt, her way of hiding from her father. The tears no longer escaped to her cheeks, but her frown deepened. Dad was a more difficult person to convince than Mom.

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