Chapter Nineteen | It's Doomsday, Ladies

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Daniella arrived to greet the two of us the next morning. She refused to drive the entire way to Manitoba, so she booked a plane flight.

Smart girl.

Somehow, even though she had been with me for a third of the time that Matteo had been, she noticed my angst far before he did. It was sort of infuriating, not going to lie.

As soon as the elevator touched the seventh floor, I was inside of Matteo and I's room and bolting to the bathroom. Matteo didn't think it was anything other than 'elevator sickness'.

Really, dude?

Contrary to what Matteo believed, I didn't run to the bathroom to vomit up the rest of whatever was left in my stomach and a few internal organs. I ran in to get a shower—a hot shower in hopes that it would melt me and wash me down the drain.

It didn't work.

I also was 103% certain that I smelled like a combination of sweat and vomit, so I wanted to get that off of my skin and out of my hair as soon as possible. Brushing my teeth seventeen times didn't sound that bad either at that point.

I never really had difficulty falling asleep, but I barely slept that night. Even after my parents vanished and left me alone, I slept most of my days. Sleep was more comforting to me than anything.

Stressed? Sleep. Sad? Sleep. Angry? Sleep. Worried? Sleep. Worried that an angry Alpha is going to come and take you away from your mate that you could throw in a freezer sometimes? Sleep—kidding.

Falling asleep was practically impossible even with Matteo's brawny arms caging me against his sculpted body. I just laid there humming a song that I'd heard nearly ten times when Matteo and I were on our way here. Still, Matteo noticed nothing. He acted like me humming at 3:30 am was normal.

I eventually did fall asleep and ended up sleeping until one in the afternoon. I was extremely thankful that the Leaders' Conference didn't officially start until the day after. I doubt that I would have been able to wake up at seven in the morning.

At least, I had one more day with Matteo before I had to make a run for it.

The moment that the Alpha of Vindicta Pack realizes who I am, I'll have to haul ass out of here. I snapped his mate's neck. There is no way that Adrian Rache is going to let me live after hurting his mate even though she would be perfectly fine by now.

Alphas are petty, but I mean if someone snapped my neck, I'd want Matteo to kill them, too.

I was eating a late lunch when Daniella popped the 'what the hell is up your ass' question. To that I simply answered, 'aren't you just supposed to guard me and shut up?'. Then, I had to make up some bull crap story about how I was still feeling the affects of car sickness when I went to bed, and the lack of sleep was making me moody. She obviously didn't believe me. I could tell that Daniella knew I felt extremely anxious being around all of the Alphas. I was just thankful that she didn't know why.

Again, I had difficulty falling asleep that night. I had never been truly scared to the point where it was affecting my life. I wasn't afraid of Alpha Rache, though. I was afraid of having to leave Matteo. I was never really a 'stand my ground' kind of girl. I never had any ground of my own to stand. Normally, I would just cackle maniacally when danger got too close and run away to my next destination of choice.

A slight nudge and a feather-light kiss to my temple was what managed to wake me up. It was actually amazing that something so simple could wake me up when I'd grown to be such a heavy sleeper. The small act had my eyes open in a second.

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