Chapter 6 The Event

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Preston's POV

The event we had planed was crazy we had it so I would have to call them in Mat was supposed to fly in so he can finally revel his wings to his fans which makes sense. The training was hard but I got the hang of it quickly. The event was tomorrow and I was nervous but knew in 2 months Mat and Lucky went to school, but I do know how to watch them with my fire magic, powers, ability I'll call it magic.

The next day

I woke up and got ready we all wore are own merchandise Mat's wings were showing till he put on a coat to hide them before the show. We got there and got ready no one knew Lucky and Mat were part of the pack yet so we went on stage.

MI: "Hey guys you exited,"

Crowd: "YEAH!"

R: "Well Preston take it away."

P: "Today we have a suprise we added 2 people to The Pack you what to meet them."

Crowd: "YEAH."

P: "Come out here Lucky."

L: "Hey Preston we still are missing someone."

P: "How could I forget him were are you cous."

M: "Up here cous."

P: "Firefly and Lucky are the new members to The Pack."

Crowd starts going ballistic and Mat then land next to me.

After the show

That was fun especially when Mat pretended to trip and flew over the crowd that was cool but everyone was happy none the less.

I started to get the odd feeling I was being watched. Then I was grabbed and I lit them on fire and ran home and Mat instantly ran to me and asked what was wrong and I told him and he didn't seem surprised he looked scared that made me feel uncomfortable.

Mat's POV

When he told me it reminded me or the time someone tried to stab me one day when walking home from school. I lit them on fire and threw them 5 feet back and ran home afterwards since then I never walk to or from school alone. Then Preston ran off to his room I realized I looked scared, so I gave him some time.

I grabbed Preston's keys and went to get stuff for school leaving a note to tell him were I was going and that I took his car. I go to grab my school stuff 4 notebooks, some pencils, pens, and etc. afterwards I grab Chick-Fla-a for us and head home to see Preston watching Netflix and put the food on the counter. I get plates out Preston sorts the food and then my phone buzzes Lachy sent me a post he found from the 1900s about a place called Mt. Ebbot then I realize it is from undertale and it is in Texas so i post it on twitter.

Jerome came over and asked me to help him with a prank so I did. Jerome got Lachlan and Vikk to come over (we had hidden tripods so yeah) They started to talk with Preston who was with us and i pushed Vikk onto Lachlan from behind the corner and I was vlogging and pranking, so I decide to pretend I just walked around the corner.

M: "Wow looks like a Vikklan moment is happening, so let's continue the vlog somewhere else."


P: "Well that's very ironic."

M: "See ya."

V: "Wow."

I hide recording around the corner and got Lachlan kissing Vikk LOL didn't mean to still part of the vid.

M: "But anyways guys that prank/vlog went better than expected leave a like and a comment if you want more of this bye."

I quickly edited it and hid the document in animation videos and started to upload it on my laptop so I could hide it under my bed and Vikk came in as I started to get ready for a speed art.

V: "Mat are you recording?"

M: "No not yet I am getting ready to though for a speed art."

V: "Good because I don't know how to tell Lachlan I love him."

M: "I saw you kiss and you left for the bathroom and I was the one who pushed you onto Lachlan just for the fun of it."

V: "Really you had to do that."

M: "I didn't expect Lachlan to kiss you, but I can help you I had to too so I can help."

V: "Thanks."

Then my phone buzzed my upload finished so I grabbed my laptop and put a thumbnail on and let comments roll in.

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