Chapter 20 A tortured soul

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Mat's POV

I have been here for awhile and Lachy and I were taken to our own room to become mind slaves or something being tortured was horrible and painful. I then pass out of pain and wake up in a dark area.

M: "Hello?"

L: "M-Mat?"

M: "Lachy were are we?"

L: "Have no clue."

???: "Hello it is good you are both here now we can talk."

M: "W-Who's there?"

PY: "Greetings I am Pyro and that is Blaise we are the link of fire elementals Preston's is Apollo."

L: "Ummm."

BL: "We are here to help you through this mind controled state we can provide vision of what your eyes see but you will have to fight Mark and Angie your mind users and make them your friends. This will give you protection but when fight to stop them the palish color fights your eye color."

PY: "Now let's look at your vision."

Lachy gets a screen I can't see and I get one Lachy runs and starts trying to get out to probably save Alana.

Then I see my screen.

???: "Now go get your friend you talk to a lot as it seems."

MR (will be Mat's voice if MArk is talking): Yes sir."

I see Vikk sitting on the side of his bed looking at pictures then he looks behind him seeing me I then rush to stop Mark.

M: "Vikk I suggest running before-"

MR: "Shut it before I take your glave and stick it through your-"

M: "NO!"

MR: "Fine then I will have the boss torture you more."


V: "How is my door locked?"

MR: "Isn't magic just perfect."

I watch horified as Vikk gets put into a bubble and get knocked out in seconds.

L: "A-Alana no Angie is dead she stabs Alana in the leg I kick her butt we get free."

M: "Hey at least you aren't getting tortured more for fighting."

L :"WHAT!"

M: "Yup and I was treatened to be stabed so yeah."

PY: "Mark is merciless after he watched his family die he has never been the same and Angie is his only family left and they were forced to evil."

BL: "This made their live worse."

M: "W-why would p-people d-d-do that?"

PY: "The mind scape can be crule."

And then I felt to much pain.

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