Third One's the Charm

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"Third One's the Charm"

In the beautiful royal kingdom
Where there's trumpets and drums
Lives His Majesty, the King,
Who loves to do a certain thing
Which would be gourmet eating.

He mustered his servant groups
To send out a searching troop
In the village to pick the chosen ones
Who would be in the run
For the contest arranged by his son.

Three were chosen, a man, a woman, and a child.
Then the king's temper became mild.
"Why send this little kid?
Do you think he can cook and feed?
Quite a bit of a misfit."

The servant protested, "Sir, he has a talent.
You'll see he's worthy of the challenge.
Although he is a poor peasant's son,
He indeed has a gourmet's tongue
Even though he's very young.

The king then clapped his hands,
And his servants brought out some pans.
His son was the emcee of the contest.
He declared, "The one who cooks better than the rest
Will surely be crowned as the best."

In scores of minutes, the food was done,
And the king tried the food he was fond
Of which is the dish of the man.
The king crushed the food like sand
And raged, "This tastes so bland!"

And immediately, the man was sent out,
While the king continues to rage with a pout.
The woman's dish was next.
She hopes that it won't be wrecked
Or else she'll surely be vexed.

The king sampled the chicken curry
But then was filled with fury.
He remarked, "This is so sour!"
The woman was kicked out of the tow'r
And landed on a bag of flour.

The child's dish was presented in front.
Although others failed, he was undaunted.
The king tasted the food slowly.
His servants watched closely,
And suddenly, the king jumped joyfully.

He smiled, "I love this very much.
Indeed you have the touch.
Sorry for doubting you a while back.
I see you have what the others lack.
I'll give you things to replace your potato sack."

The peasant's son rose to fame.
To the people, he was no longer lame.
He made his mother so happy and proud.
The people honored him, clear and loud.
His friends no longer gave him doubts.

The interviewers asked him one time,
"How did you cook so well and fine?"
The child simply replied with a smile,
"Instead of sitting down with a nail file,
Always do the extra mile."

- 2010

Reflections of the Soul: PoetryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang