Noir et Blanc

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"Noir et Blanc"

There exists a black and white corner

With a speck of rainbow on the side.

Simple and sturdy where they reside;

Such a place not for a mourner.   

It stays a hundred years

Without any changes at all.

Neither does it crack and fall

Nor it is brought down by tears.

Strong will it possesses

For feeling of color;

Indeed it has potential and pow'r,

Yet it does not try to harness.

If asked que hay de nuevo,

It responds nada en particular.

Nothing to speak of so far.

I ask you, forgive it, por favor.

There exists a black and white corner

With a speck of rainbow on the side.

At one point, it has the color of pride;

At the same time, the color of a muser.

- 2011

Reflections of the Soul: PoetryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt