{65} 13 Things For A Broken Heart

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1) No matter how long you stare at your phone, they're not going to text you.

2) The one you let into your bedroom will not make you forget them.

3) Write. Write until your hand is cramping and there are tears landing on your paper.

4) Don't stalk their social media. You'll end up missing them even more.

5) DO NOT READ OLD TEXTS. Especially after midnight.

6) Don't ever compare yourself to their new lover. You are beautiful.

7) It's okay to cry. Scream into your pillow and then stain it with tears.

8) Don't beg for them back. If they want to come back, they will.

9) Literally do not read old texts, can't stress this enough.

10) If they miss you, they'll call.

11) When you see them and feel like crying, smile. Smile so big because you don't need them.

12) Don't make up scenarios in your head about them hoping they'll come true. They won't.

13) Honey, they're not thinking about coming back. No matter how much you want them to think about crawling back into your arms, they aren't. They're not up at four in the morning thinking about calling you. They're not up thinking about your bright smile, they're not thinking about how you put your hair behind your ear when you're nervous, they're not thinking about how your eyes sparkle or your knees weaken when you look into their eyes. They're not the one doing anything about it. Maybe you need to move on and understand that they don't care that they broke your warm heart into millions of pieces.

~ Zeina

"I don't know what
You're going through
But there's so much life
Ahead of you
And it won't slow down
No matter what you do
So you just gotta hold on"
- Hold On by Shawn Mendes

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