♥{16} Enigma

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June 26th 2017, 14:14

No matter how much she tries to convince herself that the hypothesis of you not loving her is invalid, she always finds herself drifting towards this enigma:

You do not love her. You just love the fact that she's always here for you. You love the attention she gives you. You love the fact that she would drop anything for you. And mostly, you love the fact that her pen always finds words to write about you. You learned to love yourself through her eyes, her love, and her writing.

You do not love her, but God, does she love you.

However, somebody once told her that there is no future with the kind of men who can only love themselves.

So she has to let you go now. She has to let go of the feelings she has for you. She has to stop admiring you, adoring you, and even loving you with her whole heart. She has to because she can't take it anymore. She's tired of all the mixed signals you give her. She's tired of staying up all night wondering what she did wrong to deserve this from someone she did nothing wrong to. She's tired of listening to sad songs and weeping all throughout. She's tired of all the nonsense conversations that only happen once in a while. She's tired of being just the girl whom you'll talk to when you're bored. She's tired of your selfish ways. She's had enough of your baggage. She's been through enough. She has to let you go now. She needs to.
But she can't find it in herself to do so.

~ Zeina

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