Chapter 6

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Ha Na's POV

The bell rang and that signals that it is time to go home. I was about to walk out of the class when I remembered that we have a project to do. The project is we need to find one song to sing and dance it. It will be graded too. Argh... why must Jimin pick me. I gather all my courage and went up to him.

"What do you want?" Jimin said while glaring at me.

"Urm... when do you want to do the project?" I ask.


"Urm... sure." I replied.

"We will do it at my house." He said.

"Oh alright then." I replied.

Jimin got up and walked out of the classroom. So, I just followed. He met up with the rest of his gang and we went to his house.

While we were walking to the bus stop, I took out my phone and my earphone, and just listen to some k-pop songs. The bus arrived and it was so awkward during the bus ride. I was sitting next to Jimin and I just kept silent. When Jimin got up that gives me the idea that we have reached.

We got down the bus and started to walk again.

"Hey you are Ha Na right? The new kid." A guy ask me which is part of Jimin's gang.

"Ya. You are?"

"Oh my name is Kim Namjoon. You can call me rap monster if you want."

"Oh. I'll just call you Namjoon."

"Okay then."

"We are here." Jimin said.

Woah!! What kind of person is he?? He live in a mansion!!!!!

"Welcome home young master." a man said. I think he is a butler.

"You are shock right?" Taehyung said while smirking.

"Ne." I replied.

"Young master your father is at home." The butler said to Jimin.

"Yes I know." Jimin replied and we all went in.

"Jimin." A man came up to him.

"What?" Jimin said.

"It seems like you have one new guest here." The man said and he was staring at me like he never see a girl in the house before.

"We are project partners." Jimin said.


"Urm.. Who is he??" I ask Namjoon.

"Oh, he is Jimin's father."

"Oh. But why Jimin is so rude to his father."

"Oh becau..."

"We will go to the dance room now." Jimin said to us.

When we reach the dance room, I was so damn shocked. How can he have a dance room in a house. Oh ya I forgotten. He lives in a mansion.

"Okay so what u want to sing for our project?" Jimin asked me.

"Urm... How about troublemaker's attention. I really like that song." I replied.

"Show me the song and the dance moves."

I look up the live video from YouTube on my phone to show it to him. When we were watching the video the rest of bts also joined.

"Woah you two are going to sing and dance that?!" Jungkook said.

"We haven't deci.." I was trying to talk but Jimin just cut me off.

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