Chapter 32

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Ha Na's POV

"Good job everyone!" I exclaimed.

"Ne." Everyone else replied. I quickly packed all my stuff.

"Sorry, can you guys pack up the rest?" I ask.

"Where are you off to?" Ara ask while smirking.

"I am off to see Jimin." I replied.

"Ahahaha. Arraso. You can go. We can take care of the rest." Jaeyou said.

"Sorry and thanks." I said and went off. I ran down to the second floor. The dance studio that I was in is at the third floor. I went inside of bts dance studio and saw Jimin and the others dancing. When the music stopped, I clapped. They were all startled by the clapping.

"Oh jangi you are here." Jimin said.

"Oh my god. I am cringing so bad here." Jungkook said and we all burst out laughing.

"Yah go and get a girlfriend then." Namjoon said.

"I can't." Jungkook replied.

"And why is that?" Taehyung ask.

"Cause I don't want y'all to be lonely." Jungkook said.

"Awww so sweet." Jin said.

"Got to go guys." Jimin said and pulled me along with him.

"Have fun on your first date!" Suga shouted. Jimin pulled me to the parking lot. We stopped at one car.

"Omo, this is your car?" I ask in shock.

"Yup. My appa bought it for me when I came back to korea." Jimin said. He opened the passenger's door for me.

"Why thank you." I said and got in.

"You are so welcome." Jimin said and closed the door. He walked to the other side and got on. He started to engine and we drove off.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"To your dorm first cause you need to change right?" Jimin said.

"Oh ya. I totally forgotten. How about you?" I ask.

"I brought some clothes so i'll change at your dorm." He replied.

"Do you know the way?" I ask.

"Yup. Jaeyou told me." Jimin said.

"Oh alright then." I said. After a while, we arrived at my dorm. We went in, I go into my room and change while Jimin used the bathroom to change.

I changed into the clothes I want to wear them went out of my room. I noticed Jimin laying on the couch.

"That took you long enough." Jimin said.

"Well you know me. I am a girl." I replied and smirked.

"Haha ne ne. Let's go then since you are ready." Jimin said.

We got into the car and we drove off.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"It's a secret." Jimin replied and turned to me and smiled.

"Come on tell me." I said and did a aegyo.

"That's not gonna work on me." He said and my smile disappear.

"Okay only a bit." He added and my smile appear again. 

"Okok you can stop smiling now cause you are gonna make me fall in love with you even more." He added.

"Then I am gonna make you fall in love with me even more." I said and smirked.

"Yah." Jimin whined and looked at me.

"Yah focus on the road or else we are gonna crash." I said and push his face to focus on the road.

"Hahaha arraso." He said and continue driving. My eye lids were getting heavy until I fell asleep.

Suddenly, I felt something on my lips. I opened my eyes and I saw Jimin kissing me. I returned the kiss. He suddenly looked at me with a shock face and he smirked. We kissed for a while and he broke the kiss.

"I kept on telling you to wake up and I even shake you lightly but you still did not wake up so this is the last resort." Jimin said and smirked.

"Ne ne." I replied. I looked behind him and we are at a open field. I got out of the car and just smell the fresh air around me.

"You like this kind of place right?" Jimin ask.

"Of course who doesn't." I replied. Jimin just giggled. He suddenly pulled my hand and lead me to a corner of the open field. There was a blanket set out on the floor. Candles all around and a basket.

"This is a picnic?" I ask.

"Don't you like it?" Jimin ask in disappointment.

"Of course I like it!"  I exclaimed and hug him. We sat down at the blanket area. Jimin took out the foods in the basket. There are, sandwiches, burgers, some drinks. It was just a supper cause it was already like 10. We ate and talk at the same time. We talk about how was life for the past 3 years and what was he doing in America. After we ate finish, he laid down on the blanket and patted his shoulder signalling me to lie down on his shoulder. I just laid there in silent. 

"The stars are bright tonight." Jimin suddenly said.

"Ne." I replied.

"Remember the first time that we met?" he ask while smiling.

"Of course. I was so new to the school. I can't believe that we were in the same class." I said and giggled.

"Oh and you greeted me and expect me to shake your hand but I just ignored you." He said and smirked.

"Then I called you rude." I said and laughed.

"Well, of course I was rude cause before I even met you, I was a bad boy in the school. You turn me into a whole different person." He said.

"Oh. Well I guess I can change a person's personality." I said in a joking tone.

"I was like this before but a girl in our class, who has transferred to a different school played with my heart. She used me to get close to Hoseok hyung and we became a thing you know. Then I found out that she already have a boyfriend. I confronted her about the whole thing but she just said I was just rubbish." He said.

"I will never treat you like that." I replied.

"I know." He said and smiled.

"I love you Ha Na." He added.

"I love you too." I replied.


Heyy guys!!! Here is another chapter!! I am considering whether I should end the story here. I will let you guys know by today whether I am ending the story here or not. Thank you for reading!!


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