An Awkward Interview!

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➠ ➠ ➠ Imagine ➠ ➠ ➠

The notorious Ivar the Boneless actually has a sister! Well all four of the sons have a sister in reality. And Y/N is cast to play the adult version of this pivotal character in the famous show Vikings.

A bastard child of Aslaug and Harbard, the stories characters are aware that Dagmar (the illegitimate child) is not born of Ragnar Lothbrok's doing. Between begging from Aslaug and what humanity Ragnar holds, the small girl is spared and reared in the family of four boys even though she is only their half sister.

In script Dagmar, played by you Y/n, is beyond valuable. This girl grows up playing both sides of the Ragnarssons but finds solace in helping Ivar physically and emotionally during childhood up until the day their mother dies. This on screen relationship is beautiful and complex and no fan doesn't root for the brother sister duo that conquers the viking world along side the other four Sons of Ragnar.

However, off screen, a platonic sibling relationship is not where you saw yours and Alex's relationship stopping. On screen or off screen your chemistry together is undeniable. Out of character Y/N and Alex compliment each other as well as Ivar and Dagmar does. But it doesn't take long for the media to pick up the 'More than Friends' vibe you both give off.

·•● Awkward Interview Impending! ●•·

"Is this thing on?" Alex waves his hand in front of the small studio camera set up, cocking his head to the side like a bird in front of the lens grinning from ear to ear, "Are we on?"

"Just a second Mr. Andersen," a woman behind the camera cuts a line through the air horizontally to indicate nothing is rolling yet.

"How about a pre-interview warm up?" Across from Alex was a slender man dressed dapper in a pin stripe suit, shuffling the papers on his lap the man looked back across at Alex lounged sprawled out on the love seat in front of him, "Do you mind answering just a few nonchalant questions?"

"Sure!" Exuberant to start talking Alex swings his feet back in front of him and flat on the floor. Leaning in on his elbows the goofy Danish actor beams a smile over to the interviewer, "What kinds of things would you like to know?"

"Oh the ordinary, how is it working with the History Channel crew? Are you already filming for season five? Will the fans be happy to hear Ivar the Boneless is back in the limelight?" Pleasantly listing off ideas the interviewer had jotted down, the man figured breaking in the twenty two year old with overview questions would make it a smooth transition when Alex did so in front of a running camera.

Clapping his hands together it was all excitement while Alex sat at the edge of his seat, "The entire department has been so much fun to work with! Everyone is so supportive and so good at what they do! My mind is blown with these make up and hair artists, I mean, wow I didn't even know my hair could do that." Expounding with a huge grin Alex looked over when the man asked about his co-stars, "They are all, just absolutely amazing. I cannot amend them enough, Marco, Jordan, David. Coming onto set and having to fulfill this, this legacy basically, that Travis Fimmel grew Ragnar into. Phew man," Shaking his head Alex sat back with a little astounded look on his face, "It's surreal, it really truly is."

"Any blossoming romanced on set?" unable to hide the coy smile from Alex the interviewer tossed the simple question out without second thought, "Seems the chemistry Ivar and sister Dagmar have is really backed by the fans."

"Oh, Y/N," a crimson dusting of blush bloomed on Alex's cheeks, a goofy grin following closely, "Dagmar is an amazing character played by an equally amazing actress." Casting his eyes down to his hands Alex fiddled with his knuckles mindlessly, "Y/N is beyond great to work with, it made all those early morning shoots worth it."

"There was a little excerpt," The interviewer paused and shuffled through his papers on his lap until the man pulled out a half sheet folded in the middle, "Ah yes, you both enjoyed a little break out in Dublin during a vacation off set. Things are getting pretty chummy I take it?"

What blush Alex had now spread to the rest of his face and there was little denying the effect bringing up Y/N had on the giddy young man, "She is, I mean, this isn't live right? Jeesh that woman is something else. I love doing scenes with her, wardrobe with her, car pools together. Y/N never misses a beat, always up for something knew and she gets along with Marco and Jordan so well. Hah I know on set crushes were never a good thing but-"

Like a little squeak the camera woman was hardly heard above Alex's narrative, "Mr. Andersen-"

"I mean meeting your soul mate at twenty two?? Is that even realistic?! Yet alone meeting them on a set about bloody viking history? Heh," Alex's eyes were glazed over, completely forgetting he was in line to shoot an interview for an article about the next season of Vikings, "I love her, I really really do. She just-"

"Mr. Andersen!" brash about her second interruption the woman looked sheepishly at her comrade doing the interview and then over at the Danish actor. Both men looked up simultaneously to the woman, "I uh....we've been live that entire last part-"

"What!" completely red in the face Alex was about to leap from the chair when he felt the sudden vibrate of his cellphone in his pocket. Desperate to fish the phone out, Alex fumbled with it to light up the screen.

Illuminated bright bold letters across the screen it read Y/N number.

Recounting everything he'd just spewed out to the small group he was with, Alex's heart skipped a beat when it sunk in, "Oh my god Y/N heard it all!"

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