Twenty: Alpha, Beta, and the Next in Line

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Orion unwound the bandage around his upper arm as he removed his shirt. He'd dropped Skylar off at the infirmary with Nana and Victoria before returning to the Big House; she'd be out of trouble there. He hoped. He never knew what shenanigans Nana would get into, or what she'd put into Skylar's head.

His father sat by the fire, mixing the paint for tonight. Normally, Victoria would help with this part, but she had been so tired lately with her advanced pregnancy, they'd insisted she rest before the festivities of the night. Percy and Zachariah were in the room as well, helping prepare for the evening.

"Where's Skylar?" Leo asked, turning to face him, his black eyes dancing with the reflection of the fire.

"With Nana and Victoria. They'll bring her to the ceremony while we get ready here," he told his father, who snorted.

"Better be careful, son, that's dangerous company."

Orion smirked. "She and Nana get along really well."

Leo chuckled. "Like I said, dangerous company. You know your Nana." He picked up bowl of paint and started mixing another color.

"I do, and she likes Skylar, so there's no way to keep them away from each other."

Leo grunted in agreement, studying the color of the paint in his hand by holding it closer to the fire. He twisted in a way that the scars stood out in deep contrast to his weathered skin. Although he was fifty-five, one would never guess it from looking at him. He was a born leader, ready to fight for his clan and win, even though his challengers would be years younger. He wasn't giving up the position of Alpha to Orion because he was no longer capable. No, he was passing on the title because he wanted to enjoy his wife and youngest child while he was still able. He would never tell Orion that, but Victoria would and had.

His father ran a hand over his scars and Orion was in awe once again at that fact that his father had survived that. The scars were from before Orion was born, shortly after he'd mated with Valerie, Orion's mother. He'd fought with a Wildling, and the creature had gotten in a good shot. Leo had almost died, because he'd been down after the beast had nearly taken off his face, and it had pounced. Zach had saved Leo, killing the Wildling, but Leo hadn't been the same. The scars were white and thin, but far from clean. The skin was jagged around the edges, and they were shocking to see if you weren't used to them. Orion was still impressed Skylar had managed to keep her cool when encountered with Leo for the first time.

Percy took a seat next to Orion and sighed, resting his hands on the back of his head.

"You ready for tonight, Alpha?" he asked in a teasing tone, but Orion knew he was serious. It would be his first time initiating the first-time shifters into the clan. It was the most important night of their lives, and it was up to him not to mess it up. He wasn't nervous at all, or at least he didn't think he was. He'd seen the ceremony once a year ever since he'd been born. He'd been a part of it one year. He knew the words, he knew how it worked, but that didn't mean he wouldn't mess it up.

Orion nodded once. "I think so."

"You'll do great, boy," Zach patted his shoulder as he stepped around him to take the paint from Leo. "You were born for this, just like your old man." A sea foam green winked as the Beta smiled encouragingly down at him.

"And next year, you'll do the whole ceremony," Leo added. "Since you'll be the official Alpha, you won't need me at all."

"As if you could stay out of it," Zach laughed, beginning to paint the beginning of the flames on his body with his first and middle finger, starting with his bicep and down his arm. Percy grabbed the yellow paint from the table and started as well. They'd switch when they were done, until they were nearly covered in paint. Orion had never really understood why they decorated themselves with flames, but it was some ancient tradition that they continued to embrace. The Alpha and Beta painted their bodies to perform the ceremony, but this year there were two Alphas and two Betas, since Orion and Percy were taking over control of the clan soon.

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