Twenty-Six: It's Only a Week

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"Like this?" Skylar asked, lifting the bow and closing one eye.

Percy placed on hand on her stomach and one on her back, straightening her. "Close, but remember to keep your core tight."

She remained in the position Percy shifted her into as he let go and took a step away from her. She inhaled deeply and aimed the arrow at the target that was pinned to the tree about ten yards away. Percy had been coaching her in archery all week long when she wasn't with Laura, even though the female accompanied them some days. She was a gifted archer, but Percy was even better. He was a patient and enthusiastic teacher. Skylar knew he was also keeping an eye on her for Orion.

She hadn't seen Orion all week. Well she'd seen him, but she hadn't spoken to him. She'd seen him in the distance while she was out and about with Laura. She'd seen him helping to rebuild the fences around the paddocks for the herds of cattle and the sheep, flying overhead coming in from patrol, and speaking with clan members. She missed him. If she'd been asked a week ago if she would yearn for the company of her captor, she would have laughed. Now she was hoping that they'd get the chance to speak again before she was forced away, because she knew that was what would happen. She didn't have any illusions about what would happen. And she didn't think that Kellan would be a fan of hers either. She still didn't understand why Leo insisted on letting the other Alpha, who had no idea Skylar existed, have a say in her future. He would be even less forgiving than Leo.

"Are you going to shoot or what?" Percy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, I'm just focusing," she told him.

He chuckled and she inhaled deeply before letting her arrow fly. It flew so well, it completely missed her target and soared into the forest.

She groaned and let her arms drop. "I wasn't even close that time."

"You're not keeping your arm straight when you let the arrow go; it wobbles," he explained. "You're getting better though."

She snorted. "My empty target would beg to differ."

He laughed and handed her another arrow, his silver eyes alight with amusement. "You can't be a natural at everything, Skylar."

He was of course referring to her flying lessons, which she had no memory of. Percy had taken her around the perimeter of the territory, so her dragon knew where to fly. She thought she was beginning to become more conscious while in her dragon form, but it was hard to tell. When she looked back on it, it felt like a dream she had that she couldn't remember. Like she knew she had been aware of something at one point, that something had happened, but she couldn't describe it or even say what had happened. It was incredibly irritating, and she didn't think it was fair that her dragon was conscious while she was in control, but as soon as the beast took over she couldn't remember anything.

Percy had told her that her dragon caught on to every thing his dragon showed her. They'd practiced diving and aerial agility, loops, evasive maneuvers, slowing down, hovering, the finer points of flight. Apparently her dragon was eager to learn, incredibly sassy, and competitive. Percy told her that made her a fast learner.

After her dragon got a chance to fly around the territory, Laura and Percy had taken her for a flight; she had sat on Laura's back to observe the clan'd lands. Fiona had joined them as well, since Olly was busy with Orion and Leo. Skylar had especially enjoyed flying over the ocean. The endless expanse was terrifying and awe-inspiring. It was so large, so calm, and so powerful. She'd seen the ocean before, but never from so far above it. The serene blue of it, and the clan off in the distance, it made everything seem so small. It made even her huge companions seem minuscule and insignificant.

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