Fifty-Nine: Lost

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Orion's body crumpled to the ground, blood pouring from the deep wounds in his chest. Olly barely had time to register what had happened before his Alpha had pinned the blue dragon to the ground, nearly landing on top of Orion. The black dragon roared in anguish and rage as he leaned down to lock his jaws around her throat. The blue dragon thrashed from side to side, somehow evading the black dragons snapping jaws. Jonathan made a strangled noise beside him, but Olly only noticed how close the snarling dragons were to Orion's body. He wanted to shift, knew he should shift, but he knew that his dragon would join in helping his father try to kill Skylar. Olly knew it wasn't her fault what had just happened, but his dragon only knew that he had watched the blue dragon kill his brother. Olly could barely keep the beast contained as it was.

He rushed forward toward Orion, evading the snarls and snapping teeth of the fighting dragons, to kneel beside his brother's body. Olly leaned over him, as if that would somehow protect the body from the wrath of the two dragons trying to kill each other.

"Orion," Olly begged. "Orion, please!"

He didn't get an answer, not that he really expected to. His hands and shirt were quickly drenched in his brother's blood as it poured from the wounds. He couldn't hold back a sob of desperation as he stared helplessly at the carnage before him. He wrapped his arms around his brother and held him close. "I told you, you bastard. I told you not to go to her," he whispered into his brother's hair. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't admit that Orion was gone. He couldn't shift otherwise his dragon would kill Skylar. He couldn't do anything to save his brother. His hero was gone. No one survived that kind of wound from a dragon. Skylar's claws had nearly ripped Orion's soft human body in half.

"You can't leave us," Olly said, squeezing his eyes closed and clutching at Orion. "You can't leave me." His brother's body remained limp in his arms.

He felt the brush of a dragon past him but knew that even if he could find the strength to face the two, there would be no point. Skylar's humanity was gone, and so was Leo's. There was no stopping the pair from trying to kill each other.

"Enough of this," a cool voice said in a tone that wasn't quite a shout, but it was close. Olly lifted his head from Orion's to see the black dragon frozen in place. Blood streamed from the lucky shots the blue dragon got, but she looked far worse. The black dragon's superior size and experience had been advantageous. Much longer, and he would have gotten what he wanted, and then Olly's brother and sister would be dead. In fact, they would all be dead if Draco won, which it looked like was about to happen. The dragons were forced to fight on the ground, where their advantage was far less. Their Alpha was dead, and his mate was under the control of Draco. They had a witch who could stop the dragons from shifting, and if she chose to use that power, they were done for. They were too outnumbered.

Olly looked up at Draco, anger finding its way to take precedence over his despair. He was a dragon, he was an Alpha, and he was a Nogard. He would not give up, but he also would not leave his brother's body to become just another casualty of war.

Draco stared quietly down at him and the body of Orion. His eyes glowed in satisfaction as he saw the product of his power. He looked back up at the blue dragon, who was now standing where she had been when the black dragon froze in place, waiting for instructions.

"See what I can make you do, Skylar? You loved this man, and yet you killed him without mercy, simply because I told you to. Your dragons are losing. My humans have the advantage. Your dragons are weak. I overtook you all with nothing more than some measly humans and six witches. Consider me unimpressed." He turned his gaze up to the black dragon with a sneer. "I can say that I expected more."

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