Forty-Five: First Flight

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Guilt sat like a rock in his gut, but he didn't let it show on his face as he beamed at her. He didn't want to let her know that he'd heard her talking to Benny.

... I want him to ask for my hand...

... a princess gets a prince that sweeps her off her feet...

No matter what she'd said after that, those were the lines that stuck with him. He realized how un-romantic he'd been up to this point with her. They sort of fell together, accepted they were True Mates, and on they went with their lives. Okay, that was an over-exaggeration, but it was close. She meant everything to him, and he didn't even think about what she had likely imagined her whole life when she thought about her future marriage. The fact that she claimed not to care because she loved him didn't sit right. He didn't want her simply to accept what he had given her to this point, not when he knew he could do better.

"Orion," she breathed upon sighting him. Her face broke into that magnificent smile, the one that lit up his world, and warmth blossomed in his chest. He closed the distance between them in four long strides, not hesitating to wrap his arms around her when he reached her.

"You're out of your room," he commented, immensely pleased by this fact. It meant that Nana believed she was back to normal, or at least very close. He'd known she would get better, but the tiny chance that she wouldn't scared the hell out of him.

"I am," she grinned. "Careful, the baby." He realized he was squishing Benny between them and back away half a step, so he was still close enough to cradle her face.

He brushed her cheek bones with his thumbs while she stared up at him with her piercing blue eyes. She was perfect, and she was his. He leaned down a claimed her mouth with his. He growled softly as she responded with gusto, standing on her tip toes to get closer to him. He inhaled deeply, and his dragon surged up at what he found. 

Other males had touched her in his absence. He squeezed his eyes closed when, even though he recognized the scents as Percy and Jed, his dragon snarled with possessive aggression. He knew nothing had happened, but his dragon was so territorial lately, he found it hard to handle at times. He wouldn't say anything, it would only cause them to argue, but he didn't know how much longer he could go without claiming her.

He leaned away from her, looking down at the infant she cradled in her arms. One day she would hold their child, his child, his heir, the future Alpha of the Western Clan, and his male ego swelled with the thought. She would be the mother of his children, and he couldn't imagine anyone else. When he was still betrothed to Cassie, who had avoided him like the plague since his return, he couldn't picture her holding his child, and when he did, he didn't feel the immense pride he did at the thought of Skylar.

"You're a natural with him," he told her, gently cupping the head of his brother in his large hand. The baby stirred, but remained asleep.

"It's not me," she shrugged deprecatingly. "He's a really good baby."

"Agree to disagree," he whispered, leaning in to kiss her again. 

Of course, he was interrupted just as their passion rose.

"Orion, you're back!" Laura greeted him. He broke off the kiss and turned with a polite smile to his friend. He love Laura like family, but at the moment he really wanted her to turn around and leave them be. Unfortunately, Nana was with her, so there would be no demanding their retreat.

"Yeah, Dad and I just finished up training. We figured we would give them a break and then take another group out later. I have something I want to show Skylar first."

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