Chapter Sixteen

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Inside, it was dark— so much so that Eira stumbled over the threshold, almost falling forwards onto Kea. But, luckily, she managed to save herself just in time. She righted herself and attempted to walk into the building as if she could actually see something.

Once they were safely standing in the middle of the room, Kea walked over to what was probably the wall and took something metal sounding off a table. He then began to feel around in his pockets, eventually bring out what sounded like a pack of matches. He struck one, the orange of the flame contrasting sharply against the blackness of the room. A moment later, after he'd brought the match to the thing he'd picked up before, Eira realised it was just a lantern.

Kea returned to her, holding the lamp at arm's length in front of them.

It illuminated everything in a comforting sort of orange. Eira could vaguely make out the interior of the building. It seemed like any sort of cobbler's she'd seen before, with shelves full of shoes and boots, a few workbenches surrounded by supplies and a large wooden counter near the door.

"How do we get into your rebel headquarters from here, then?" she asked, genuinely curious.

Kea smirked and walked over to a tall hardwood wardrobe. It was antique and intricately carved—certainly out of place in a standard Cobbler's like this. Eira wondered how it got there. Passed down through a family? Bought at a cheap price? Were the owners rich, perhaps? Or was it stolen?

Kea coughed.

Eira blinked. "Sorry," she said sheepishly. It was certainly not the right time to be wondering about a damn wardrobe.

Kea eyed her suspiciously, but averted his gaze after a few seconds and pulled out clunky key and rammed it carelessly into the wardrobe's keyhole. He turned it just as forcefully and pulled the door open with ease. "After you."

Eira ignored his sarcastic tone and stepped forward, pausing once she was facing it. She peered into the empty wardrobe, raising her eyebrows. "How original."

The back of the wardrobe had been removed and beyond lay a small, locked door. It was plain, but, because of the whole hidden-in-the-wardrobe thing, it just screamed conspicuous. Or at least, in Eira's humble opinion. Not to mention that it had been used in numerous books that she had read. It was like they were trying to seem like an intensely shady and clandestine organisation. Which, she supposed, they actually were.

But who was she to talk? Perhaps it proved very effective. Or at least, if their enemies weren't at all versed in mystery literature. If they happened to be, then that would probably be the first place they'd look.

"At least it does the job," Kea shot back, pushing in front of her and stepping into the wardrobe. So much for "after you."

He brought out a second key—considerably smaller than the last—and unlocked the door just as carelessly as before. Behind lay a dark, narrow passageway. He held up the lantern and motioned for Eira to follow, before turning away and beginning to walk briskly down the passage.

She obliged and fell into stride with him.

The two of them continued on for a few minutes. Eira imagined that they were heading roughly south, but she wasn't quite sure. After a while, they reached a door that mirrored the other. Kea proceeded to unlock it as well.

Once they'd passed through, they ascended a short staircase. At the top, there was yet another door. Kea unlocked it and beyond seemed to be the inside of a second wardrobe. He unlocked its door as well, and finally they entered an actual room.

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