Biohazard Man

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The dark streets are well lit at night. Dozens of lampposts on each side of the street. Two story houses filling spots on the side of the street.
Megan slowly walks down the path. She's wearing a black denim jacket, a red t-shirt, skinny black jeans and black timberlands boots. She has her long blonde hair tide in a messy bun. Mascara running down with the tears on her cheeks. Her boots echoing into the night until she reaches her house. Cop cars parked on the street outside.
"What's happened now?" Megan thinks to herself.
She walks up the path. Reporters flashing their cameras at Megan. Asking their questions. Megan ignores them. She walks through the front door. The house flooded with forensics, detectives, police officers. Her father sitting on the couch being interviewed by the police.
"Dad what's happened?" Megan asks as she runs over.
" Megan not now," Christopher says.
"Dad tell me!!!!" Screams Megan.
Christopher knows he needs to tell her sooner or later. He asks the police to leave them for a moment and he sits down with Megan.
"Megan I know your devastated by Rose's death but..." Christopher says as he begins to sob.
"But what," says Megan.
"It's..your Mother..she's passed away," Christopher sobs.
Megan doesn't say a word. Two deaths in her family all in one day. But who killed them?
"I need to go," Megan says as she stands up.
"Where are you going?" Asks Christopher.
"I don't know," Megan answers as she walks out the door.
"Megan wait," shouts a detective. Detective Barnes.
"What do you want?" Asks Megan.
"I need you to come to the station to ask you some questions," Detective Barnes says.
"Fuck you," Megan replies.
Megan walks out of the house, past the reporters and down the street. She keeps walking and walking. Down to the end of the street.

                 16 Canary Lane

"I  need to know where Megan is going," says Christopher as he jumps out of his seat and grabs his coat.
"You can't just leave!" Officer Temple shouts as Christopher runs out the door.
Christopher avoids the reporters and jumps in his car and drives off.

120 Brooklyn Apartments

Tammy sits on the couch. She's been horrified ever since she and Hunter found Rose Jones's body.
"Hey Tammy are you ok?" Asks Hunter as he sits down on the Couch with her.
"I'm doing ok still terrified though," she replies.
"How about I order a pizza and we settle down on the couch and have a lovely night in while watching some Pretty little liars on Netflix since I know you love that show," says Hunter.
"Thank you," Tammy thanks Hunter as she kisses him.
Hunter orders the pizza and then sits down with Tammy.
"the pizza should be here in about 10 to 20 minutes," Hunter informs Tammy.
"What toppings did you get?" Asks Tammy curiously.
"Plain just how you like it," smiles Hunter.
Knock knock.
"What the hell the food couldn't have been that quick we just ordered it," whispers Tammy.
"Why are you whispering," Hunter laughs," don't worry I'll go see who it is."
"Ok I'm going to quickly go to the restroom," Tammy says as Hunter goes to the door.
She stands in the restroom and washes her face. She's terrified. Who killed Rose?
She the door slam. Then Hunter shrieks. Fuck.
"What's going on?" Tammy thinks to herself.
BANG! BANG! Someone's trying to break down the restroom door.
"Leave me alone!" Tammy screams.
Tammy takes the mirror off the wall in the restroom and throws it to the ground.
She takes tissue and wraps it round a shard of glass and waits for the door to crash down. The constant banging stops. The strange attacker has left. Or not. Tammy slowly unlocks the door and steps out. Hunter lays on the ground in the lounge. His eyes are froze open. His eyes have been crushed. Blood dripping down his cheeks like tears. Tammy bends down and begins to cry.
"I'm so sorry Hunter," cries Tammy.
Someone makes a noise behind her. She swings round and sees a tall man wearing a hazmat suit with a gas mask covering his face.
"Ahhhh!!!!" Screams Tammy.
The person Grabs her by her hair and clasps her throat. He begins to strangle her until she stabs him with the shard of glass in his shoulder. He let's go of her and she falls to the ground and she runs to the door. She swings it open and runs down the hall to the elevator.
The elevator lands on the ground floor and she runs out of the block of apartments and over to the car park.


Chuck Hamilton, the pizza delivery guy, takes the elevator up to the 3rd floor, where apartment 120 is. He reached the apartment and knocks on the door. No answer. He knocks again. The door swings open and someone in a hazmat suit pulls him in and slams the door behind him. Chuck let's out an almighty shriek. Chucks dead.


Megan sits on the bench in the street. Her father slowly drives over to her.
"Hi Megan," he says.
"Hey," Megan bluntly replies.
"Look I know how you feel and I'm sorry all this had to happen all in one day but I need you to know that your not alone and you have people that will always support you," Christopher reassures.
"And what other family do I have other than you?" Megan asks," grandad and grandma died and Auntie Helen and Uncle Henry are live far away with their daughter Elizabeth so who else have I got than you?"
"I'm sorry Megan," Christopher sobs.
Megan begins to cry. Christopher puts his arm round her and holds her tight.
Christopher's phone rings.
"Hello?" Christopher asks.
"It's me detective Barnes we had to leave something's happened just get Megan and take her home and don't leave her out of your sight," Detective Barnes demands right before he ends the phone call.
"Megan we need to go home now," Christopher says as he grabs her arm. They get into the car and Christopher starts the engine.
"What's happened?" Megan asks.
"I don't know," Christopher replies.
They start the car and drive off.


Tammy drives up to Nancy Atkins's house. She runs out and begins to pound on the door.
"NANCY!!!!!" She screams.
Nancy swings the door open and Tammy runs in.
"What's wrong Tammy?" Asks Nancy.
"There's a killer after me, he killed Hunter and now he's after me and it's all because I found fucking Rose Jones's body!" Tammy exclaims.
"Oh Jesus we need to go to the police!" Cries Nancy.
"I already did I phoned them on the way here," says Tammy.
"Well now what?" Questions Nancy.
"I took all my money out of the bank I need some more though could you please lend me some i need to leave town now," explains Tammy.

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