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Megan walks up to the store named  The Party Place and enters. She read about this place online and how it sells amazing Halloween costumes and decorations but she has never been before so this is her first time but to be honest she thinks it's an amazing store.
Megan looks at the various costumes ; witches, Draculas, zombies, wizards.
She then comes across one she loves. It's a Dracula costume but a Dracula bride. It's a long black dress which has some fake tears in it. There is also nits of red material on it too. She loves it. She purchases it and then leaves the shop. This party is gonna be amazing!

22 Osbourne street

"Omg I'm so excited I can't wait!" Nancy screams before she turns around and kisses Mike.
Nancy starts putting clothes and her belongings in a suitcase.
"Oh and I will need to get the furniture all together as I have someone collecting it to take it to New York," Mike says.
"Did you tell your sister that we are leaving?" Nancy asks.
"Yeah Mia took it ok," Mike says," but I know that she's devastated about it."
Nancy smiles at Mike.

SnowVille hospital

Vincent Valerie walks into the staff room.
"Maggie, Nicolas and Benjamin I need you to go the very bottom floor to get these medicines," Vincent says as he hands Nicolas a list of medicines on a sheet of paper.
"What the underground floor?" Maggie asks.
"Yes the underground one," Vincent replies.
Maggies terrified. Other doctors and nurses always talk about how dark and spooky it is down there.
"Yeah sure we will go down there now," Benjamin says.
"Thanks guys," Vincent says before leaving the staff room.
Benjamin, Nicolas and Maggie all walk to the elevator and Nicolas presses the little button with a b symbol on it ( meaning basement ).
The lift starts to go down!
The lift has stopped. They are in the basement.
"Ok lets get the medicines and then leave," Nicolas says.
"Good idea," Maggie agrees.
They exit the elevator and begin to look around for the medicines. Once they exited the elevator door closed and returned to the ground floor.
"What was that?" Maggie asks.
Bang! The lights have gone out!
"What's happening!" Screams Benjamin.
The lights switch on.
Maggie turns around. She lets out an almighty scream.
Benjamin and Nicolas lay dead on the floor with a knife going through each of their heads.
Maggie steps back in terror and falls into a pile of boxes.
"Ahhh!" Screams Maggie.
She turns around and looks in the corner of the room. It's the hospital receptionist, Caroline Bordeaux. She's pinned to the wall. Her arms are sticking out with knifes going through her hands and into the wall so she hangs. She almost looks like Jesus when he was pinned on the cross.
"Omg!" Shrieks Maggie.
She turns and sees a figure. A man wearing a Biohazard suit with a gas mask covering his face. The Biohazard man
"Somebody help me!" Maggie screams. She runs to the elavator and presses the button.
"Hurry the fuck up!" Screams Maggie.
The Biohazard man grabs her by her hair and chucks her across the floor.
The man jumps on her and wraps his hands around her throat.
"Ughhh stop please," begs Maggie.
Maggie begins to cough relentlessly.
The elevator doors shut and the elevator once again returns to the ground floor as Dr Valerie presses the button.
Maggie coughs one last time with her face bright red. Maggies dead.
"Jesus what is taking them so long?" Vincent asks himself as he waits for the elevator. The elevator arrives, the doors open and Vincent steps inside. He presses the button with the b symbol and down he goes.
The Biohazard man hears the elevator coming down so he runs into the corner of the room. The darkest corner.
The elevator arrives and Vincent steps out.
"Hello?" Vincent says," where are you guys?"
The Biohazard man creeps up behind him and snaps his neck. Vincent's corpse falls to the ground.

16 Canary Lane

"This looks amazing," Megan says.
Megan looks in the mirror at her dress. She's in love with it and she can't wait for this Halloween party. She also misses her friends, Annie Holland and Jonathan West.
The front door opens.
"Hello?" Megan says.
"Hi darling," Christopher says.
"Hi dad," Megan says," did you have a nice day at work?"
"Yeah," replies Christopher.
Megan returns to her room and starts looking through her make up. What lipstick? Mac or Kylie cosmetics?

         SnowVille police department

Diana Jacobs, the new police officer after Tony's death, walks in.
"Detective there's been five deaths at the hospital and they think they've caught the killer on cctv," Diana says.
"Right lets go," says detective Barnes.
Detective Barnes and office Jacobs get into the car and drive to the hospital.
About fifteen minutes later they arrive and Detective Barnes and Officer Jacobs walk into the reception to find loads of officers.
"This way," one of the officers says.
The officers lead them to the crime scene.
"Oh Jesus," officer Jacobs says as she looks at the five corpses: Caroline Bordeaux, Vincent Valerie, Maggie McIntyre, Benjamin Banks, Nicolas Coral.
"Where is the cctv footage?" Detective Barnes says.
"Right this way," an officer says.
They lead him to a room with a desk and a computer. They push a button on the keyboard and the footage begins to play. Detective Barnes watches.
He can see a man wearing a Biohazard suit enter the elevator and then Caroline Bordeaux runs after him and goes down to the basement too. About 5 mins later he sees the three victims enter and then another 5 mins later Vincent Valerie enters shortly before the Biohazard man creeps out and runs down the hall where he climbs out a window.
"Bastard," whispers officer Jacobs.
"This town isn't safe," detective Barnes says," I'm going to have to speak to the first killer, Jospeh Holland."

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