The Revelation

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Megan gets into her taxi.
"Where am I takin' ya missy?" The taxi driver asks.
"16 Canary Lane please," Megan says.


Steven walks down the corridor past the toilets.
Steven looks down at his shoes covered in blood.
"What the fuck?!"Steven exclaims.
He follows the trail of blood and it leads him to the ladies toilets.
"I shouldn't really be doing this but i need to know what's happened," Steven says to himself.
He opens the door and walks into the toilets.
"Ahhhhhh!" Shrieks Steven as he finds Annie's dead body.
The Biohazard man appears behind him and stabs the knife through his head.
Elsewhere, the music continues to play and the partying teens and young adults continues to sway their bodies and dance to the music and the "popular girls" do something girls do nowadays called "the slut drop".
Jonathan and the girl named Mandy Jacobs who he has hooked up with run to a corner of the top of the building where no one is dancing.
"The stars look beautiful," says Mandy.
"I know," Jonathan says," but they are not as beautiful as you."
"Don't you have a girlfriend," Mandy says.
"I'm breaking up with her she doesn't appreciate me as much as you do," Jonathan reveals.
"I love you," Mandy says before she kisses him.
The Biohazard man sneaks behind them.
The pair kiss each other under the moonlight unaware of what's about to happen.
The Biohazard man runs up to them and pushes them both over the glass barricade and the pair fall from the rooftop party falling 10 floors down.
"Ahhhhh!" Screams Mandy as she falls to her death.
Jonathan looks at her as he falls down. Mandy looks back at him.
Jonathan smiles at her and then looks up at the stars and smiles while tears round down his cheeks.
The pedestrians all let out a huge terrifying roar as Jonathan and Mandy hit the ground.
People run away from the two corpses while others dial 999 and call for the police and ambulances. Blood oozes out of Mandy's skull while Jonathan's leg lays broken on the ground.
A few minutes later, Detective Barnes and officer Jacobs arrive at the scene with ambulances and police.
Officers Jacobs takes one look at Mandy and screams in horror.
"That's my sister!" Diana Jacobs  Shrieks.
Floods of people start to poor out of the rooftop building as they discover what's happened. A girl who attended the rooftop part screams," Help there's to more corpses in the ladies toilets please help!"
Police officers run into the building with guns ready to shoot the murderer.
"I'm going to kill this bastard," Diana says.
What they all don't know is the Biohazard man has snuck out the back of the building. Who is the Biohazard man after next?

                    16 Canary Lane

Megan walks through the front door and shouts her fathers name.
"Dad are you home!" Megan Shouts.
No response.
"I guess he must of gone out," Megan says to herself.
She plonks herself down on the sofa and flicks on Netflix. What should she watch? Should she rewatch the whole seven seasons of pretty little liars, start watching shadowhunters or rewatch Stranger things? Stranger things it is. She remembers when her and her family used to always watch Netflix movies on Wednesdays. She runs upstairs to her fathers bedroom to find the photo album which holds many family photos including a picture of her and her family about to watch Netflix.
"It should be in here somewhere," Megan whispers to herself as she searches through the bottom of the wardrobe. She finally finds the photo album but she finds something else when she lifts up the album. A small box Labled," Rose."
Megan frowns in confusion as she picks up the small box and puts it on her parents bed. Once she lifts up the lid she discovers something she immediately knows she was never meant to find.
"This is Roses red duffle coat," Megan says," and her phone.....what's it doing in here?"
She turns on Roses Rose gold iPhone 5s. She picked the rose gold one since it's her favourite colour. Her mother Marion Jones loved the flower rose as well that's why she named Rose rose.
Every Valentine's Day her father gave her mother roses. Marion just adored them. The round home screen button has bloody thumb print on it. The lock screen turns on.
"What would Roses password be?" Megan asks herself.
Firstly she puts in roses birthday. Wrong. Their mothers birthday. Wrong. What would it be. It would definitely be a birthday since it's the only thing Rose would be able to remember
"I know," Megan says as she types in Roman Kings birthday. The phone unlocks.
"Yesssss," Megan silently cheers.
She clicks on her messages. Her most recent one is to Megan. A message that was never sent. It says,"Megan I can't make a long message but I love you no matter what but he's going to kill me and I'll never get to see you again but he's drugged Mum and I can't wake her up listen If you find my phone check my photos but I love you andrelkt lgkvoooiiijj."
Megan immediately goes on to Roses photos. There's a video taken on 11:39pm on Sunday the 30th September. Megan clicks on the video.

                   September 30th

Rose runs upstairs away from her killer and hides under her bed. She switches on her phone and starts to record.
Rose says,"Megan I love you and by the time your watching this you would have recently found out I died or you could find this months or years after my death or maybe you never do find this but I love you and he's trying to kill me Megan...Dad is trying to kill me...he drugged Mum and knocked her out and I can't even wake her up and he's chasing me with a knife but I just wanted to let you know I love you and tell Mum I love her and Uncle Henry and Auntie Helen and don't forget Elizabeth  I'm so sorry Megan goodbye." She ends the recording and begins to message Megan. She types rapidly. She's about to finish her message but....
"AHHHHHH!" Rose screams as she is dragged from under the bed.

                       31st October
                     16 Canary Lane

"Omg," Megan cries," your a killer Dad."
"What are you doing in here!" Shouts Christopher as he walks into his room ( the room that used to belong to Marion too ).
"What the fuck did you do to her Dad!" Megan Screams.
"She deserved it Megan!" Christopher Shouts," She was a little selfish bitch just like you and your mother."
"Fuck You dad!" Megan bellows.
"You bitch!" Christopher screams as he runs towards Megan.
Megan dodges him and runs downstairs.
"Shit he's locked the door," Megan says to herself as she tries to run out of the front door.
She runs to the back door but it's locked too.
Christopher comes downstairs and stands in front of Megan wearing the biohazard suit he stole from Roman King.
"Do you want to know how I murdered Rose?" Christopher asks Megan.
"How," sobs Megan.
"It was the trophy your sister won at your school sports day," Christopher says.
"What?" Megan says in confusion.
"Yeah its a bit of an unlikely weapon I would use to kill her right?" Christopher says," I bet the day she won that she would of never thought that would be the weapon she would be murdered with."
"Your a sick bastard," Megan says to Christopher.
"Funny you say that," Christopher chuckles," It was the exact same thing Rose said to me before I killed her."

                    30th September

Christopher throws Rose across the floor.
"Your a sick bastard!" Screams Rose.
Christopher picks up the trophy Rose won at her sports day and smashes it into the left side of her forehead. Roses corpse falls to the floor.

                        31st October

"But once id killed Rose it became something like an addiction because after that I tricked your mother into here and killed her and then all the others like Tammy Holland, Hunter Woods, Chuck Hamilton, Tony Temple, Maggie McIntyre, Benjamin Banks, Nicolas Coral, Caroline Bordeaux, Vincent Valerie and some people you might not know are dead," explains Christopher.
"What who have you killed?" Megan worries.
"Annie Holland, Steven Harvest, Mandy Jacobs and Jonathan West," replies Christopher.
"You asshole!" Screams Megan as she charges towards her father in tears. She pushes him to the floor and he drops his knife. Christopher punches her in the face and then Megan pulls out her phone.
"No!" Shrieks Christopher as he throws Megan's phone to the floor and stamps on it. Megan grabs Christopher's knife and stabs him.
Next, Megan runs into the living room and uses the telephone to calls detective Barnes. The phone rings. Rings. And rings. Detective Barnes finally answers.
"Who is this?" Detective Barnes says.
"Detective Barnes it's Megan you need to come to my house at 16 Canary Lane my father is the killer and he's tryi-,"Megan tries to say before Christopher smashes the telephone and then wraps the cord round Megan's neck strangling her.
"Stop it!" Gurgles Megan. She then grabs the table side lamp and smashes it over his head.
"Owww!" Christopher Shrieks," you bitch!"
Megan runs into the kitchen and pulls a butcher knife out of the draw.
"Did you enjoy it," Christopher asks.
"Enjoy What?!"Megan Shouts in confusion.
"The taunting phone call I left you on October 1st!" Shouts Christopher.
"I hate you you psychotic dickhead!" Bellows Megan.
Christopher runs at her and puts her to the floor. He begins to strangle her and then he picks up the butcher knife and lifts it high in the air and then-
Detective Barnes shoots through the window and the bullet goes straight into Christopher's shoulder.
"Ahhh!" Cries Christopher.
Megan pushes him off of her and then she runs to detective Barnes and hugs him tight.
Police officers grab Christopher, put his wrists behind his back and cuff him.
"It's all over now Megan," Detective Barnes says.
Christopher screams as he is dragged out of the door," I will get you one day Megan!!!!!!"

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