Bye Bye Tammy

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22 Osbourne street

"How much do you need?" Asks Nancy.
"Just 500 dollars I swear I'll pay you back it's just for a motel or something but I just need to get out of this town for my own safety," says Tammy.
"I'll go get it from upstairs I'll be back in a second," says Nancy as she runs up the stairs.
A strange figure. Wearing a biohazard suit or a sort of hazmat suit with a gas-mask stands across the street. Staring at Nancy's house.
Nancy brings the money down to Tammy and hands it to her. Nancy begins to cry and then hugs her friend. Just before Tammy leaves Nancy blurts out," I think I might be one of the reasons Rose died."
Tammy freezes in shock. Did Nancy kill Rose? Was Nancy the one who attacked Tammy and murdered Hunter?
"What do you mean?" Tammy asks worryingly.
"Rose's boyfriend, Roman, cheated on Rose with me on the night Rose died," Nancy explains.
Tammy's jaw drops in shock.
"But i never mean to upset her I didn't know they were even going out Roman told me he was single," Nancy begins to sob," she came out of the nightclub and caught us kissing, she kicked Roman and slapped me and then stormed off into the night."
"It's not your fault it's Roman's," Tammy says," you should talk to Megan or maybe the police."
"Ok," Nancy replies.
Tammy gives her friend one last hug and then leaves.
She walks out of Nancys house while Nancy shuts the door behind her. She gets into her car and switches on her phone. The lock screen. A picture of her family and Hunter. Her sister Annie standing next to her mum and dad. Her brother Joseph Holland with his arm round Annie. Tammy decides she needs to see her family before she leaves. She starts the engine, drives off the driveway and drives down the road. A black van switches on their headlights and follows her. She drives round the bend. Watching closely at the van behind her. She drives onto the highway. Hundreds of cars drive on there. She swerves in between them until she loses the van. Once she's lost them she drives off the highway and back home.

                      16 Canary lane

Megan sits on her bed. Mascara dried down her cheeks. Her bloodshot eyes sting. It's like she has no more tears left inside her. Her sister found dead and her mother murdered all in one day. She stands up and walks over to the window. She stares out into the dark night sky; the stars are shining bright.
She walks out of her room and looks in her fathers room. She can see his bed. The bed he used to share with his mother. She can see the bed covers raised on one side where her fathers body lays and flat where her mother used to lay. She walks over to the top of the stairs. Suddenly she slips. The floor was soaking wet. She tumbles down the stairs. Her life flashing before her eyes until....Crash. Megan's short blonde hair is sprawled across the floor. Her head begins to bleed. Her broken leg bended in an unbearable position. Was this a coincidence? Is Megan alive or has she reached her doom?


It begins to rain. It sounds like a thunderstorm to be honest. The rain pounds on Tammy's windscreen. She can see nothing on the road but the shining lights coming from her headlights. There are no other cars on the road. She looked up on google to see the nearest motels and there was none so she decided to stay at the nearest hotel which is The RiverWater Hotel. She continues driving. Her GPS says she's still quite far away. The distance there is 10 miles. She notices a car driving behind her. There beams are on. The blind Tammy's eyes. The car begins to drive closer and closer to Tammy's car. The person begins to honk their horn extremely loud. Tammy knows she hasn't done anything wrong and continues to drive. She looks closely at the car. It's not a car. It's a van. Tammy gasps. It's the same van that followed her earlier on. She continues to drive but can't focus. She's freaking out. BUMP! The van has driven into Tammy's car now!!
"What the fuck do you want?!" Tammy screams.
The van continues to drive into her. It swerves around her so it is next to her and then rams her.
"Ahhhhh!" Screams Tammy.
The van finally rams her off the road. The car spins around frantically but the flies off the road. The road is surrounded by the SnowVille woods. The road is named Slender Lane. Also known as where Rose Jones's body was discovered. The car flies into the trees and slams into one of the trunks. Tammy's head bleeds. The van stops. Someone is about to get out until another car comes speeding down the road and notices Tammy's car. A person gets out and runs to her aid. The van drives off and leaves her there. Soon, police cars and ambulances all came driving down to help Tammy. The police wanted to know who drove into her and took it in as a hit and run. The ambulance medics pulled Tammy onto a stretcher and put her into the back of the ambulance. The person who helped Tammy returns to their car and drives off. It looks like Tammy won't be leaving SnowVille anytime soon after all....

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