Ch. 10: Tests

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Ch. 10 - Tests

“Ouch!” Zach said and rubbed his head.

I chuckled, “Sorry. I thought I saw something in your hair, but I guess it was nothing.” I stood up and walked towards the door. “I’ll be right back. If they bring Cameron back in here, tell him I ran to the restroom real quick.”

“Will do.” Zach nodded, but Brandon gave me a look like he knew what I was doing.

In all honesty, I wasn’t going to the bathroom at all. I also didn’t think that I saw anything in Zach’s hair. If Brandon thinks I should go ahead and get a DNA test then that’s what I’ll do. I have something from Zach, and I’ll just have them come in and get some sort of sample from Cam when they are done with his X-rays. I walked to the front desk and asked the lady where they do paternity testing.

She pointed me in the direction of where I needed to go. Thankfully this hospital does paternity testing. Not all hospitals do. When I got to where I was supposed to go, I went to the receptionist. “Hi, I was wondering if I could get a paternity test done and how much it would cost.”

“Well, looks like you’ve come to the right place, then.” She smiled at me. “Our paternity tests generally cost roughly around $200.”

“Are you serious?” I gasped. I hadn’t realized they were that pricey.

She gave me a sad smile, “Yes, I’m serious. And honestly, that’s low compared to other places.”

Man, I hadn’t realized the amount that would go into this. I thought about it for a minute, wondering if it was worth it. I mean, anyone can look at Cameron and see that he is a spitting image of Zach. Everyone has seemed to catch on to that except the two of us. But, I guess if I wanted to be one hundred percent sure about this, then I needed to do this. Plus, it would be better to get it done and over with now, instead of have him ask for it.

“Alright, that’s fine.” I nodded. “I have the sample of one of them, but I need to get the sample from my son as well. Is there any way that you guys can get it from him? He’s getting an X-ray done right now.”

“If you just want to bring him back down here when you’re finished, we can most definitely get one from him.” She said. “Can I have the sample that you do have?”

“Uh, yeah…” I held out my hand with the little strands of hair. “I know it’s not as good this way, but it’s all I could get without the other person knowing.” Now I felt really guilty for some reason.

She held out a baggie and I dropped the hair follicles into it. “I just need you to fill this out and then we’ll be good to go for this part. Just bring your son down here after he’s done and we can get the rest squared away.”

“Thank you so much.” I smiled and started to walk away. I turned around when I thought of a question, “How long will it take to get the results back?”

“Anywhere from three - to - ten business days.” I nodded and turned back around.

Okay, hopefully it’ll be on the longer part and I will have more days to come up with ways to tell him. Then again, no matter when I got it, I could just later on choose when I wanted to tell Zach. I’m so not being fair to either of them right now, but you know what? I am a selfish person sometimes and I don’t like to play fair. Not with something this important.

“There you are, momma!” Cam said when I walked back into the hospital room that he was put in before he went and got his X-rays.

At least he sounded a little happier this time. “Hey, sweety. How are you feeling?”

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