Ch. 19: I'm Sorry

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Ch. 19: I’m Sorry

~Kelsey POV~

“So, I’m kind of surprised you called me today.” Anthony said, twirling the glass of wine in his hand and giving me a soft smile.

Okay, so he was actually pretty attractive and so far things have been going fairly good at the moment. I knew that wouldn’t last long, but I was going to let it while it lasted. “I am too, honestly.” I chuckled lightly. “I… I didn’t think I would.”

“Oh.” He looked a little disappointed. “What made you decide to call me, if you don’t mind me asking?”

I sighed and looked down at my own glass of wine. “The truth?”

“Preferably.” He said.

“My mother in…uh… my mother.” I said and took a nice drink of the wine, gulping down my almost slip up. I hadn’t told him yet that I was previously married or the fact that I have a kid. The topic just hasn’t come up yet. Not that I was ashamed of either, but I wanted to protect Cameron, and I didn’t know how he would react to knowing I actually was already married. I didn’t exactly want the date to end yet, now that I was finally here.

He raised an eyebrow at me. “Oookayy…” He pulled out the word making it longer. “Well, I guess whatever it took for you to call me, it was worth it.” He shrugged and took the last drink of his wine. “Are you ready?”

I looked at my glass and took the last swig of mine and nodded my head. “Yep. I guess so.”

“Well, I have something else planned, that’s the only reason why I ask.” He smiled and held his hand out for me to take.

Reluctantly, I took it and let him pull me up out of my chair and lead me to the door and to his car. When we got out to his car, he started it up and pulled out of the parking lot. “So, tell me more about yourself.” Anthony started in. “I feel like we haven’t talked about much that would lead to me knowing who you are.”

“What do you want to know?” I asked.

He shrugged and glanced over at me. “I don’t know. Anything. What you like to do for fun, what you do for a living, do you work? Are you in school? Anything.”

“Oh…well…no I’m not in school. I’m a physical therapist and I absolutely love my job.  Umm… I love anything to do with sports, and try to practice as much as I can.” I shrugged. I guess this was the time to tell him I have a son. I gulped and thought about how I was going to tell him, but I was stopped when we pulled up to a park. “Where are we?”

“I figured we could just walk around and talk for a little while.” He smiled and looked at me. “Is that okay with you? If you get scared, I’ll protect you.” He winked at me and then climbed out of his car and walked around to my side of the car to open my door. I rolled my eyes in the process.

“I won’t get scared.” I said flatly to him. “I just didn’t expect to come to a park is all.”

“Right.” He smiled. “So, anything else I should know about you?”

“Why are you being so nosy?” I asked a little too sharply.

He stopped and looked at me, “Because if I want to hang out with you and maybe get together or something with you then I need to know stuff about you. You’re very closed off, I’ve definitely noticed that.” His tone became a little angry, but I couldn’t blame him for that.

I sighed, “I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap like that; it’s just…I’m not good at letting a lot of people in these days.”

“Why is that?” He asked.

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