Ch. 24: Dreams VS. Reality

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Ch. 24: Dreams VS. Reality

“I love you.” He said.

I smiled, “I love you too.” This couldn’t be real. “I didn’t think I’d ever be able to tell you that again, but now I have, and I couldn’t be happier.”

He moved my hair back behind me ear and smiled at me, searching my face for something. I bit my lip in nervousness, but added a smile behind it. “I love seeing that smile on your face, and I’m so glad that you’re mine. My life is honestly complete.”

Just hearing that made my heart melt. I was the luckiest girl on this planet. “As is mine.”

Just as we leaned in to kiss, I heard Cam softly in the background. “Mom! Momma! Mommy!!”

With a jolt, I woke up to my kid shaking me awake. I groaned and laid back down. That wasn’t the first time I had that dream, and I didn’t want to wake up yet. It was too perfect, but I knew deep down it wasn’t good to want to live in a dream. I had a real life here to maintain, and a wonderful seven year old boy. I can’t believe that he just turned seven last week. Man, the years fly by.

“I’m up! I’m up!” I laughed and grabbed my boy and pulled him onto my bad to tickle him.

He giggled, “Good! I want to go shoot my BB gun!”

Again, I groaned. I knew he wanted a BB gun ever since his friend got one, but I was still a little iffy on it. I mean, sure, all little boys had BB guns and I knew he had the best teachers around to make sure he didn’t get himself hurt, but it just showed me even more that he was growing up.

“Do we have to?” I teased him.

“Mom!” He exaggerated. “Yes we have to! It’s not just going to sit there and get dust on it. Uncle B didn’t give it to me for that. Don’t make me tell on you to him!”

Oh, so that’s how he was going to be, huh? Blackmailing me at seven years old. This is not okay. Maybe I should stick around more often when B and Cam hang out. “Alright! Let’s go get some food, first.”

“Oh, fine!” Cam huffed and climbed off the bed.

I strolled downstairs after my kid and went into the kitchen. I see Cam has left out the cereal. I guess that’s what he wants to eat this morning. As I poured us both bowls of cereal, Cam sighed. When I looked over at him, he had his elbow on the table and his chin on his palm. Where did that happy-go-lucky boy go that just wanted to go out and shoot his BB gun? After I put the bowls down on the table, I sat down and moved my chair closer to his. “What’s wrong, love bug?” I ran my fingers through his thick brownish blonde hair. It was getting lighter by the day and he was looking more like Zach.

“Do you think Uncle Brandon will stop hanging out with me after him and Nelly get married?” Yep, you heard right. My big kid brother finally popped the question. He did it right when the ball dropped on New Years. Nelly was totally surprised, I mean, who wouldn’t be when you turn around to give your boyfriend a New Years kiss and he’s gone, only to look down and see a huge shining diamond sitting in a box? Of course she said yes!

I smiled at my baby, or I mean, my big boy. “Of course not, sweety. He will still be around to hang out. Besides, you know Nelly wouldn’t take him from you. She loves you just as much as everyone else. Besides, she’ll occasionally need a break from Uncle B.” I teased and tickled his sides.

Cam laughed and then grinned at me. “Okay.” He said and then went to devouring his cereal. Man, he really is in a rush, isn’t he?

“Mom look! I got a bull’s eye!” Cam shouted and brought his target over to me.

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