Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Dedicated to: Classylikesabby for the beautiful cover she made!

Tyler's p.o.v »»

"I know, ma, I know. I didn't want to worry you...yeah, I know...I'm stupid...I know you're going to kill me...I know you love me...can you stop crying, please?" I said, leaning against the payphone outside of the motel. I had left Madison and Lily for a minute to call Will, whose phone was answered by my mom. I was eventually going to talk to her, but that was after she would calm down about my recent actions; violating curfew and kidnapping Madison.

    "I love you too, mom, more than anything. Can you put Will on the phone now?" I waited as she handed the phone to my brother, who I heard moving to another room before he spoke.

    "Hey," he said finally.

    "Hey, Will. How's it going?" I asked casually.

    "Oh, you know, the usual. Brother kidnaps a girl, is technically a fugitive, no word from him for hours. Same 'ol stuff." I laughed lightly, as much as I could in my current situation. I had no clue what to do about Madison, and only had enough cash to last us about three days in the motel. Who knows how long it'd be before we would have to ditch my truck or lead whoever took her right to us.

    "But, I did what you told me to, I started looking into my biological family," He said, and that brought up my attention. "But bad news is, I'm not related to Ironman, Batman, Hawkeye, or any other cool fictional superhero. It really sucks." I could imagine him shaking his head.

    "Always with the superhero references. Will you tell me what you found out or not?" I asked, never failing to love his references.

    "Good news; me and you are 25% related. Half-siblings, that's what it's called."

    "What? How?"

    "From what I have been told, our father, the great Sam Hastings, had an affair, with, guess who... Angelina James,"

    "Angelina James, as in Lily's mom, Angelina James?"

    "That's the one. It happened not long after you were born, and that's when mom and the sheriff got together, you know, he had his affair, she needed an honest man, blah blah blah. Don't bring this up to anybody, please, it's weird." He said relaxedly, and I was already swearing I wouldn't tell. "But, if it's anything, William Hastings sounds a lot better than William James."

    "True, I never trust people with a first name as their first and last name." He laughed, something I took comfort in.

    "Uh, I should go. I'll call you when I can, okay?"

    "Yeah, no doubt. I know how things are. Crazy Tyler business."

    "Crazy Tyler business." I repeated. "Alright, bye, stay safe."

    "I should be saying that to you," he muttered before saying goodbye and hanging up. I stayed at the payphone for a minute, breathing deeply before walking back up to the room. I knocked twice, being pulled in quickly by Lily.

    "Jesus, was that necessary?" I asked as she let go of my arm.

    "Somebody could have been following you," she said, looking out of the peephole like a crazy person.

    "I doubt it." I looked around the room. "Where's Maddie?"

    "Shower, I think. I'm going out to get us some food, First Aid, all that run-away stuff." She grabbed her bag from the chair, opening her hand, presumably for my car keys.

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