Chapter 2

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Ch.2: The War For The World 

Perseus and his siblings gathered an army of gods and minor Titans to battle Kronos and his army. "You dare betray me too. You will all pay dearly for this treachery when I win this war"Kronos shouted. "I am The Lord Of The Void and I won't let you continue your reign of terror and tyranny. It is you who will pay for your crimes father. I became your enemy that day you threw me into Tartarus with an evil smile on your face and now you will pay dearly"Perseus roared back at his father. "Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia fight the Hyperion, Iapetus, Krios, and Koios. It should be Hestia vs Hyperion, Zeus vs Koios, Hades vs Iapetus and Poseidon vs Krios"Perseus ordered. "ATTACK"Perseus and Kronos boomed at the ame time. Perseus and Kronos charged at each other swinging their weapons at the same time. The force of the shockwave threw Kronos back a good twenty feet. Perseus hurled his mighty hammer Nightmare at his "father" Kronos. It hit Kronos in the chest knocking him even further back before Perseus summoned it to his hand. Perseus pointed Nightmare at Kronos as Kronos charged him. A massive bolt of electricity shot out of it and blasted Kronos into a million pieces. Perseus gathered up the pieces in a bag and spread them across Tartarus. Perseus hurled Nightmare into the enemy lines and it became an arc of destruction as it killed every monster in its path. Perseus opened his hand and Nightmare flew back into it killing many more monsters on the way back. Perseus charged at Echidna, mother of all monsters. Echidna slashed at Perseus with her scimitars but Perseus parried the strike with his shield which he named Terror and bashed Echidna in the head with Nightmare. A lighting bolt struck Nightmare before convulsing throughout Echidna's body burning her from the inside. Echidna burst into golden dust only leaving behind her scimitars as a spoil of war. Perseus combined them with Nightmare. Nightmare glowed acid green with poison flowing through it. Perseus looked to see how his brothers and sister were doing against the four strongest and most powerful Titans after Kronos. Perseus saw that those four Titans had been defeated. Perseus saw Demeter changing some of the enemy into flowers and killing others with her scythe. The Minotaur was sneaking up behind Demeter. Perseus made electricity and fire surround Nightmare and hurled it through the enemy lines a towards The Minotaur. By the time Nightmare killed The Minotaur and was summoned back to Perseus there were many smoldering and sparking piles of monster dust everywhere. They had won the war with no casualties on their side. Perseus and his siblings teleported to Mount Olympus where his father and the Titans still had their Thrones. Perseus destroyed every Throne in the room. "Now, Mount Olympus is our home, home of The Olympian Gods"Perseus declared. "Who agrees that Perseus should be made Emperor of Mount Olympus?"Poseidon asked after Perseus summoned 16 Thrones. Everybody raised their hands. "There will be a council to help me rule the world. In the council will be the following 15 people: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Artemis, Apollo, Athena, Ares, Hera, Demeter, Dionysus, Hermes, Hephaestus, Hecate, and Aphrodite"Perseus declared. "My godly name will be Void"Perseus declared. There was a huge Throne about 70 feet high almost reaching the ceiling it was multicolored and breathtakingly beautiful. Perseus grew to his godly height of 70 feet and sat down in his Throne. The other Olympians had godly heights ranging between 60 and 68 feet tall. 

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