Chapter 5

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The Trojan War was about to start in 10 days. Perseus made Thetis a Council Member and even gave her additional domains. Perseus adopted Thetis's son Achilles and then sent him back to The Myrmidons. Hecate, Titaness of Magic joined them. Hecate fused with Thetis. "We should be The Celtic Council"Isis said. "Agreed. We shall be known as The Celtic Council"Perseus responded. Perseus and Thetis started dating. Within 1 month, they were engaged to be married. Achilles burned Troy to the ground. Perseus made Achilles The Celtic Titan of War, Blood/Ichor, Bloodlust, Asssassins, Hunting, Fire, Electricity, Lava, and Poison. The next day, Perseus called an emergency meeting. "A new superpower called Rome is emerging. Zeus will force The Olympians to move to Rome to gain more power. When Zeus does that, we will take over The Original Mount Olympus as our own home and become The New Greek Gods"Perseus declared. 

On Olympus, The Next Day 

Zeus called a meeting of The Olympian Gods. "If we move to rome we will gain even more power"Zeus told The Olympians. "The sooner we move, the sooner our power will grow"Ares yelled. "We leave in 3 days time so be ready. Tell the minor gods and goddesses"Zeus said as he flashed out in a huge bolt of lightning. The rest of The Olympians flashed out as well. 

The Celtic Throne Room, Three Days Later 

Perseus and The Celtic Council knew it was time. Zeus and those foolish gods abandoned Greece. Greece is about to have gods that are more powerful than they could imagine. Perseus and The Celtic Council flashed to Mount Olympus. Every Throne that was in there was gone. Perseus waved his hand and the thrones of The Celtic Council appeared in The Throne Room. Perseus grew to his godly height of 70 feet tall and sat down on his Throne. "Zeus and the others have decided to involve themselves directly in the war. We will do the same. Don't hold anything back"Perseus told his council. Perseus made Zoe The Celtic Titaness of Stars, Comets, Meteors, Fire, Constellations, Asteroids, and Seasons. Perseus finally got married to Thetis and Achilles and Zoe started dating and in two months they got engaged to be married. Perseus and Thetis laughed and cried in joy when Achilles and Zoe finally got married. The war for greece would begin soon. Perseus would not let Greece fall to Rome. "Greece will need one strong Emperor to unite them all. Who should we choose to be The Emperor of Greece and Egypt?"Perseus asked. "I vote for King Alexander The Great"Achilles responded. When nobody objected, Perseus brought Alexander The Great from the dead and made him fully immortal. Alexander The Great renamed himself Theodosius. "Greeks, Egyptians. We, your Gods have decided that we need one eternal Emperor to rule over all of Greece and Egypt in order to prevail against Rome. We have decided that Alexander The Great now renamed Theodosius will be your new Emperor. The Kings will be the rulers of The different parts of Byzantium or The Byzantine Empire as we are now calling it. Kings Leonidas, Prium, Odysseus, and Menelaus will receive our blessings and will be the bodyguards of the emperor as well as The Supreme Generals of your armies"Perseus declared as beams of energy shot from their hands and into Theodosius, Leonidas, Priam, Odysseus, and Menelaus. "We have also granted them full immortality and eternal youth"Perseus declared.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2017 ⏰

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