Introduction and Copyright Notice

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First off, to all of my new readers: welcome. To those of you who have read some of my books before, welcome back. This book would not have been possible without the support I get from all of you, especially those of you who first read about Hadley and Ty's story in Just Ask Andy and wanted to see how it all originated.

As some of you probably know, I tend to deal with difficult issues, in addition to the romance plots, in my books. I like to hit the things that people tend to avoid talking about and this book will be no exception to this. This time; however, the topic is a very sensitive one as it covers teen suicide.

I want to make it very clear that if anyone is reading this who suffers from depression and/or suicidal thoughts that there may be some intense scenes or difficult passages so please be cautious when reading if severe mental illness is something that is in your life as aspects of this book could be triggering.

Also to those of you who suffer from suicidal thoughts: please do not think that you are alone in the world. I know that it is easy to do so. I know that depression is something that is hard to overcome alone. I know that it isn't easy to ask for help, even when you really need it. If you are in a bad place, please reach out to someone, whether it be friends, family, medical personnel, or a helpline.

I hope all of you enjoy the origin to Hadley and Ty's story. It is an adventure that I'm very excited to embark on and I hope that all of you who have waited for the release of this book are ready for it.


Disclaimer. This story 'Thirty-One Letters' (Title subject to change) including all characters, teasers, are copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

All rights are reserved by the owner and creator of this work @DelaneyBrenna (Username subject to change) manipulation, infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by Law.

Thirty-One LettersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz