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We never truly get over a loss. But we can move forward and evolve from it - Elizabeth Berrien

Hadley stared at herself in the mirror, turning  side to side, watching as the skirt of the dress twirled around her legs.  She was wearing a flowing white sundress that fell to midway between her thighs and her knees.  The back was cut open, criss-crossed with decorative straps.  Her makeup was simple, just enough to highlight her blue eyes and freckles - the way that she had been taught by the woman at the beauty salon who had done her makeover for Tanner's challenge weeks earlier.

She had left her hair in loose waves down her shoulders and paired the entire ensemble with a little handbag and strappy sandals. 

"Stop fretting.  You look perfect."

Hadley glanced to her open bedroom door.  Her mother was leaning against the frame. "Thanks."

"And you look nervous."  Her mom took a few steps into the room and sat down on the edge of the bed next to where Bandit was napping. 

The dog had been running around all morning, frolicking in the surf as Hadley threw balls for him between her training sessions.  Just that morning she had started back up on the regime she had used when training for surf competitions. 

A necessary readjustment to her life because Tanner had challenged her, for letter number twenty-two, to enter into a competition.  As if he had known that she wouldn't have been able to do it without his insistence.  So she was entered for a local event in a few weeks.  It wouldn't be big or flashy and she'd probably get her ass handed to her...But she had registered that morning nonetheless. 

"Ty says that his dad will probably like me but his mom will most definitely hate me."

"Well...Then you do your best to make her like you.  And if she doesn't then that's her problem because Ty is clearly infatuated with you."

Hadley flushed and tried to change the subject.  "Are you sure that you and dad don't want to come?  I know Ty's grandmother invited you."

"Not our kind of crowd.  Beth-Anne and I get along fine but the rest of the crones she hangs out with are just...Something else.  Your father and I are going to visit with Ian's parents.  Zach and Ashley invited us over to watch the game.  We'll be much happier doing that."  She winked.

"If you say so. But I know that you and Mrs. Lewis are just going to spend the entire time gossiping while dad and Mr. Lewis talk football."

"That's what makes it work so well!"  Her mother laughed, the sound bright and twinkling, and then sobered for a moment.  "You'll let us know if you start feeling sick?"

Hadley rolled her eyes.  "I promise.  But I'm good now.  That bug has passed."

She hoped. 

It had been a day and a half since she'd gotten past her pit of despair.  She had gone to work at the aquarium for her scheduled shift the day before and was planning on going in again tomorrow.  And while she was still slightly pale, she felt much better than she had before.  Her thoughts had cleared again, the dark shadows leaving nothing but cobwebs for her to brush away.

"Good.  You'll have to let us know the name of the food truck that you and Ty went to so that we make sure to stay clear of it.  I don't want anyone else in this family getting sick like you did.  Hell, maybe the entire thing needs to be inspected!"

Hadley's phone buzzed.  "Ty is here to pick me up," she said, cutting her mother off mid-rant.  "I should go."

"Have fun! Call us if you need something!"

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