Kiss Me (Demi Lovato Lesbian Fanfiction)

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"Oh god I am so nervous Emma!!" I shouted nervously to my best friend that was relaxing on my bed.

"Why? It's only Demi Lovato." She answered back giggling, knowing how much I hate it when people act like Demi Lovato isn't a BIG deal.

Today was Demi's last day of her Neon Lights Tour and my dad managed to get Emma and I tickets, we got tickets for soundcheck and front row for the concert. The concert started in about two hours and I finally figured out what I was going to wear. I was wearing black tights, a see through white shirt with a black bandeau, my army jacket, combat boots and my hair slightly curled. It was time to leave so Emma and I headed down to my car that I could finally drive since I just turned 19. The car ride was mostly us freaking out along with Demi music blasting in the background. 

"Finally! We're here!!" I jumped out of the car and stood still at the doors trying to take in everything that was about happen. I felt Emma's hand grab my arm and pull me towards the line up to get into soundcheck. We snuck to the front of the stage and just waited until the love of my life came on. 

"Oh god, oh god, oh god" I said trying to calm myself down.

"Skye relax it's going to be fine, just breathe." Emma replied reassuring. Just as I was calming down screaming filled my ears and I flung my head up to see my idol staring down at me, I almost passed out right there.

"Hii!" Demi said waving to all of us.


"Oh my god Skye that was amazing I swear Demi couldn't keep her eyes off of you" Emma said fangirling.

"I seriously doubt that! Well the concert starts in a bit let's go to the line up anyways" I said trying to find out where the line was.

After waiting for awhile they finally started letting people in, as we were heading in I realized I was so excited that I had forgotten to go to the bathroom and my bladder was about to explode! 

"Hey Emma I need to go to the bathroom i'll be right back!" 

"Seriously you waited until now?! Ok hurry!!" Emma replied pushing me out of line indicating I should probably run.

I headed down the halls as fast as I could searching for any sign of a bathroom.

"Fuck do they have any signs around here?!" I said under my breath getting frustrated.

I was getting so desperate that I started opening random doors hoping one of them would be a bathroom. Checking all the doors in the hallways I reached the last door and I pushed it open and immediately stopped in my tracks when I saw Demi Lovato standing before me.

"Oh my god I-I am so so-sorry. I was uh looking- I had to pee and and" I stuttered trying to back away but my body refused to move.

My eyes never lost contact with hers as her hand landed on my shoulder. 

"It's ok!" She laughed as her hand squeeed my shoulder. I probably looked so stupid standing there saying absolutely nothing.

"Um you can use my bathroom if you'd like, honestly I'm not totally sure where the bathroom is either." She motioned for me to come in as her hand rested on my back pulling me into the dressing room. 

"Are you sure? I'm sure I could uh find it somewhere around here." I finally spat out.

"No no it's ok I insist it's right over there. What's your name by the way?" Her finger pointed over to the door by her couch.

"Oh it's Skye" I replied

"Pretty name" Demi said smiling as she returned to doing her makeup.

I closed the door behind me and stood infront of the mirror trying to contain my excitement. I was in DEMI FUCKING LOVATO'S DRESSING ROOM EMMA WILL NOT BELIEVE ME!! After going to the bathroom I took a deep breath and opened the door to find Demi sitting on the couch, she glanced over at me and her eyes slowly looked me up and down finally connecting with mine. Did she just check me out?

"Hey, I recognize you from soundcheck you were in the front row" She said breaking the silence.

"You do?" I replied surprised.

"Well yeah, how could I forget some as beautiful looking as you" She said slightly biting her bottom lip.

I blinked my eyes trying to wake up, this had to be a dream.

"Oh um thanks" I said giving a smile rubbing the back of my neck nervously. Why did she have to say that? I mean I'm lesbian and all but now she's making me think she likes me. Oh snap out of it it was just a compliment it means nothing.

"No problem, look the concert is about to start so we should both probably head out" Demi said standing up.

"Yeah you're right, well thanks for letting me use your bathroom." A smile spread across her face as I was walking out the door I felt her hand grab my arm pulling me right infront of her. Are bodies were barely touching as I felt her hand slip down my back down to my ass and her hand slipped in and out of my back pocket. A little smirk appeared on her face as she backed up and walked down the hallway towards Max. 

"What the fuck just happened?" I said quietly reaching into my back pocket as I pulled out a piece of paper. It said:


Text me or call me soon :)


I smiled widely but it soon faded into worry as I realized I had to get back to Emma. I ran down the halls trying to find my way to the doors. I fought my way through the crowd finally reaching the stage but there was no sign of Emma. 

"EMMMMAAA!!" I screamed desperately as I caught a head peak out and move towards me.

"Fuck where have you been?!" She shouted to me.

"You wont believe what happened!" I said about to tell her as I caught a glimpse Demi rising onto the stage and the crowd went wild.


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