Chapter 9

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It's been about 3 weeks since I left for South America. It's been really difficult being away from Skye for this long but facetiming and calling is helping, for now. I'm currently trying to get ready for my show but I just feel so overwhelmed with sadness that I can't concentrate. I guess Natalie noticed because she surprised me with a warm hug.

"Demi it's ok, just a bit longer and you will be able to see Skye again!"

I stared deep into the mirror as I watched a tear escape from my eye and slowly fall down my face. As another fell I quickly wiped it away so I could apply my makeup.

"What're you talking about? I'm fine Natalie!" I replied putting on my best fake smile.

Natalie put her hand on my shoulder giving me a reassuring smile and walked out saying nothing. I finished my makeup and decided to warm up a little before I got called onto the stage.


I sat alone in my apartment watching yet another video of Demi and I on my phone, when I was interrupted by a phone call. I glanced to see who was calling and it was Natalie.


"Hey Skye! It's Natalie"

"Hey how are you?"

"Good thanks. Um the reason I was calling is that well Demi has been having a really hard time focusing and getting through the day, she really misses you Skye. And it's really hard seeing her like this so I arranged a flight for you to come to Rio for her next concert!"

After hearing what Natalie said I completely froze.

"Wait I - I get to see D-Demi?!!" I screamed into the phone

"Yes! A driver will pick you up tomorrow afternoon at around 1, you can either pack for a few days or i'm sure it wouldn't be a problem if you stayed for the rest of the tour"

A huge smile spread across my face and it took absolutely everything in me to not scream into the phone, mostly because i'd be screaming for the rest of the day today.

"OH MY GOD ! Thank - thank you Natalie you have no idea how much this means to me!!"

"Oh i'm sure I do! Oh right remember this is a surprise, Demi doesn't know you are coming so maybe just stop communication with her until you actually arrive and see her! She will love it! Anyways I got to go, I will see you tomorrow."

We said our goodbyes and I raced upstairs to go pack. Honestly I have never in my life packed so fast, I packed everything I could think of bringing. I checked the time and it was 11 pm so I decided it'd be best to go to sleep so I wasn't completely exhausted for tomorrow.

My plan didn't work so well. I was up all night because I was so excited about seeing the love of my life today!

- In The Morning -

I finally got to sleep at around 5 in the morning but awoke at 9. I jumped up and got into the shower. I got out and put on a pair of high waisted army shorts and a simple white tshirt with my black bra showing underneath. I put on my vans and tied my hair up into a high pony since I realized it'd be pretty hot in Rio.

It was around 12:30 when I got a call from an unknown number, figuring out soon that my ride to the airport had arrived.

- At The Airport -

"Have a safe flight miss!" The driver shouted as I raced off to get to my gate as fast as possible.

I ran into a few Lovatics that recognized me and I gladly took photos and chatted with them because I arrived a bit early at the airport.

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