Chapter 8

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I rolled over expecting Skye's body to be beside me but all I found was empty cold sheets. I got out of bed, threw on some pants and headed out to go find her. As I started my way down the stairs the smell of bacon hit me like a brick wall.

"Goodmorning beautiful" Skye said with her back towards me.

I walked up behind her wrapping my arms around her waist, resting my head on her shoulder. We stood there for awhile until she turned around and our lips slowly met.

I was dwelling this moment for awhile now, I didn't want to tell Skye that my manager had made some more dates for my tour in South America.

"Babe. I have to tell you something."

I said slowly pulling away from our embrace. Her face quickly dropped into a worried expression.

"What's wrong Dems?" Skye said as she
pulled me down onto the couch.

"Ok so my manager was talking about adding some more dates to my tour and so next week I am flying down to South America"

"Oh" Skye said as our hands still stay intertwined.

"I'm happy for you!!" She said clearly faking a smile.

I knew she was happy for me, but I know how hard it would be to be apart from eachother for that long. I wanted to invite her but Natalie figured it wouldn't be the best idea, due to the crazy fans down there. I tried really hard to try and get Skye to come down with me but Natalie and the rest of my team weren't budging.

"Skye, it wont be for long. Trust me."

Skye pulled me into a kiss and pulled away with a smile on her face.

"Ok, well we can still facetime and everything"



"Demi hurry we need to get you to the airport!" I screamed at Demi grabbing her many suitcases and throwing them into the SUV.

"Sorry!!" Demi said grabbing her last bag and running towards the car.

We stepped into the car and our hands met instantly. I know this is going to be really hard without Demi and I know that facetiming and calling wouldn't be enough. Before I knew it we were at the airport and I felt Demi's hand touch my thigh.

"Babe we're here" Demi said and I could feel her eyes watching me.

"Ok" I said not making any eye contact and I moved my hand to the door handle.

"Hey, look it's going to be ok" Demi said trying to reassure me but nothing was helping.

We made our way to security and that's when I knew it was time for Demi and I to part. We stared at each other for awhile until Max told Demi that she had to go.

"Skye look at me" Demi said lifting my chin up with her index finger. She rested her forehead onto mine, before planting a long passionate kiss on my lips.

I didn't say anything as I watched Demi walk away from me. But I couldn't just let her leave without telling her that I love her, neither of us had said it yet and I figured this would be a good time.

"DEMI! WAIT!" I said running towards her, pushing people out of my way. Her head snapped back just in time, I jumped into her arms almost knocking her over. Demi hadn't announced us as a couple yet but I couldn't let my baby just leave. We embraced in a long hug until I pulled away and looked her in they eyes.

We quickly pulled into a kiss which turned into a small make out, eventually pulling away when we had to breathe.

"I love you Demi, so much."

Immediately a large smile filled her face.

"I love you too Skye"

// Sorry for the short chapter I really wanted to update! And I am so sorry for the long wait.

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