Chapter 5

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"Demi get up, you have an interview in an hour."

Ugh. My eyes slowly open but immediately close after a sliver of light through my window hit my eyes. Eventually I get enough strength to pry my body out of the warm sheets and head into the shower. When I come out I get dressed, I slipped into some jeans, a ACDC tank top, and my combat boots.

I walked out of my room and at the stairs stood Natalie with a cup of coffee from Starbucks, and that's exactly what I needed. We headed into the car and drove to the radio station.

"So Demi your Neon Lights Tour ended, what're your plans next?"

"Well as I've said before I want to really focus on my music this year and I have already started recording some songs for my new album"

"That's great, I'm sure your lovatics are looking forward to it"



It's been a few days since I last saw Skye because I've been so busy with interviews and recording. Maybe I should go to her house and surprise her. I got into my car and started to drive to Skye's house. We arrived at her house and I noticed a car that I haven't seen before parked outside her house, and I knew it wasn't hers or her dad's unless they got a new one.

I walked up to the door and knocked twice but there was no answer. I tried the knob and realized it was open so I walked into the house quietly and slowly. I heard some laughing coming from her room upstairs, I headed up and said her name a few times to make sure I didn't scare her but I got no response. I got to her door and opened the door and saw Skye and a girl kissing on her bed. 

"Skye?!" I spit out.

"Demi! Wh-what are you doing here?!" She said pushing the confused girl off of her.

Tears quickly formed in my eyes and ran down my cheeks as I turned around and headed for the front door. As I was running down the stairs my arm got jerked back and Skye stood behind me.

"Demi! Just wait let me explain!!" 

I looked into her eyes and ripped my arm out of her grasp. She didn't try to come and get me after she just stood there crying watching my car speed away. I could barely see my vision was blurry and my face was soaking with tears, and I headed to the only place I knew would calm me down. 

"Marissa?" I said as my voice cracked, Marissa came running out of her room as I fell to the ground and layed there saying nothing. Marissa grabbed me and held me until I fell asleep.

I woke up to the smell of fresh fruit, pancakes, and coffee. I rolled over and hit the ground pretty hard not realizing I was on a couch. I got up and searched for Marissa but she wasn't in the room, so I headed to the bathroom to freshen up a little because I looked like a mess. My eyes were red and puffy from crying and my pink hair was everywhere. After my shower I headed to the kitchen and I saw Mar standing there whipping up some pancakes. 

"Dems you're finally awake! I made some breakfast for you." She said pointing to all of the food on the kitchen table.

"Thanks" I said giving a weak smile.

After breakfast Marissa and I sat down on the couch and watched the ID channel, after awhile the TV suddenly shut off and I looked back at Marissa and shot her a dirty look since it was getting to the good part. 

"What the fuck Mar?! Why'd you shut it off?" 

"Because you're crying Demi, can you please tell me what happened?"

I touched my face with my fingertips and my cheeks were wet, I didn't even realize that I was crying. She moved over to me and I cuddled into her and started to explain.

"Well I went to Skye's house after I had finished recording and when I got there she was in her room with another girl and they were making out. And I am overreacting because we aren't even dating!! But I thought she liked me a lot but I guess not.'

"Do you know who the girl was?"

"No I didn't stick around to get to know her better" I shot her a "seriously what kind of question is that" look.

"All I'm saying is that maybe there's more to the story than what it looked like. Now I definitely don't agree with what she did not at all, just take a break from her and if she really wants to be with you then she'll find a way to get you back ok?"

"Ugh. Ok. I'm going to go have a nap." I said heading up the stairs.

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