The Puzzle Box

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Merlin smiled as he walked to Arthur's Chambers. Gaius didn't need him the night before and so he was able to go and spend the evening with Gwen. Then he was able to go to bed early. So he was..... wait for it.... ACTUALLY ON TIME. I know right. Merlin on time. That never happens. But his happiness was smashed when he walked into Arthur's chambers to see Arthur was already awake...In his clothes from the day before... His bed untouched.... with a box in his hands.

"Your awake?" He asked not even realizing he said it.

"Your skills of observation are astounding. Honestly Merlin." Arthur mumbled, preoccupied with his box. Merlin walked up to Arthur and gave him his breakfasts.

Merlin walked over to the window to see the sun just rising over the hills just outside of Camelot, exactly when he was supposed to be here. "But... I'm not late. Why are you up?" He asked turning back to Arthur. It was then he noticed the bags under his eyes. "Did you even sleep?"

"No." Was all Arthur said. After a moment Arthur slammed the box down on the table

"King Creon demanded that in order for us to be allies we have to be smart. So he gave us this puzzle box." Arthur sighed and gestured to the box. Merlin picked it up and started to play with it. "And now he won't sign the treaty until we tell him the words inside of the box." Arthur explained and put his head in his hands.


Started by the sudden noise, Arthur's head shot up and felt his jaw drop. Merlin was standing there with a piece of small parchment paper, the kind you would send in raven. Arthur's eyes shot to the box on the table. It was open.

"These words?" Merlin asked.

Arthur nodded shocked. Finally he found his voice and stuttered out. "H-H-How did you open it?!"

Merlin opened his mouth, closed it, and shrugged.

"Well, what does it say?" Arthur asked standing in excitement

"It says 'What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in one
thousand years?'" Merlin read.

Arthur groaned. "A riddle. And one that doesn't make sense."

"You mean you don't get it?" Merlin asked surprised.

"Oh do you? Because please tell me Merlin." Arthur exaggerated and sat down in his seat once more with a smug look on his face.

"What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, once in a millennial and never in one thousand years? Arthur. It's the letter M." Merlin watched as Arthur's face slowly lost its smug look. Then as it broke into a large smile.

"Merlin! You just ended a three hundred year war!" Arthur got up and hugged Merlin.

Arthur grabbed the box and ran. He barged into the council room. He looked ridiculous. His hair was everywhere, his clothes were dirty and wrinkled, and face incredibly pale and with huge bags under his eyes.

"The letter M." Arthur said happily and put the box and parchment on the table in front of King Creon. Uther watched in awe as Creon's face slowly went from shock to a please smile.

"Congratulations Arthur Pendragon. I will sign." Creon then signed the treaty.

There was a feast for three days after that. With music and dancing and wine. Lots and Lots of wine. Even an incredibly well written speech that was apparently written by Merlin, you know the one.  

As they watched King Creon and his entire entourage ride off Uther turned to his son.

"I must say Arthur. I am impressed." Uther said patting his son's back as they walked back into the castle.

"Well, I didn't want to say it while King Creon was still here, but it wasn't me." Arthur admitted embarrassedly.

"Who was it?" Uther asked confused.

"It was my servant. He also realized the answer to the riddle." Arthur said and Merlin looked up hearing Arthur mention him.

"You opened the box?" Uther asked slowly.

"Yes, Sire." Merlin said nervously.

"And solved the riddle?" Uther asked now shocked. Merlin nodded.

"Well done.... Merlin. Isn't it?" Uther asked unsure of himself. Merlin nodded shocked the King knew his name. "Once again, you have proven yourself a loyal ally of Camelot."

Uther nodded to the servant and strut back inside the castle. Leaving Arthur and Merlin to stand there shocked. 

"He knew my name." Merlin said blankly.

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