Uther Suprise

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If there is one thing Arthur knew about Merlin, it's that he was his servant. Merlin was the on,y reason Arthur was alive. Not on,y saving his life a multitude of times, but making sure Arthur didn't  throw himself out a window during his fathers boring speeches, or those boring military meetings.

But when Uther's manservant was ill, his father, for some insane reason, wanted Merlin as a replacement until his was better.

Arthur tried to deny his father but really, he was the king. And his father. What exactly was he supposed to do?

So know here Merlin is. Standing in front of Uther's chambers, with two trays in hand debating on whether running back to Ealdor was still an option.

Probably not.

He breathed in and thought back to the advice Morgana gave him the day before. "Just act like yourself. You are impossible not to like."

Merlin shook his head and but on his signature smile. 'Act like yourself.'

He burst into the room with a loud bang. "Rise and Shine!" He place the trays on the table and opened up the curtains.

"What in blazes are you doing?!" Uther asked covering his eyes.

"Waking you up. Come on. We only have half an hour to get you ready for the day ahead. And from what I've been told it is a busy one." Merlin said with a smile.

He opened up Uther's closet and couldn't decide on what clothes for him to wear. Maybe something colorful. Not dark and depressing. But that's the thing. His whole look was dark and depressing.

"What are you doing? Where is my breakfast?" Merlin could hear Uther sit up. Uther watched in confusing as Merlin picked out different shirts and placed them back.

"On your table." Merlin replied without looking back at the king.

"Why is it there?" Uther asked standing. Uther glanced at the table and frowned. Normally he had breakfast in bed.

"So I could start on making your bed while you eat and get dressed." Merlin replied. Uther hummed, distastefully he still wanted to eat in bed.

Merlin turned around to see Uther with his back to Merlin, facing the table.

"What would you like to-" His sentence fell flat when Uther turned around... to reveal a set of abs.

"What is it?" Uther asked confused. He looked down on himself and back up to Merlin.

"You're... ripped!?" Merlin said in shock.

"Excuse me?" Uther asked offended.

"Your clothes do not flatter you, whatsoever." Merlin said. And turned back to the closet, maybe he should abuse his power for a day and get the seamstress to make him more fitted clothes.

"What do you mean?" Uther asked still highly offended. He should have this boy taken to the stocks.

"You look fat." Merlin stated bluntly.

"I am not fat!"

"I know that now!"

Uther's face became less red at the statement. And Merlin could have sworn he saw a small smile.

"What do you suggest?" Uther asked and both were shocked he was asking for Merlins opinion.

"Well. I say we ignore Morgana's walk today, and see the seamstress. You could use some brighter colors too." Merlin added as he looked back to the clothes.

"Alright then. But I have to wear something this morning." Uther pointed out.

Merlin smiled. I'll be right back... you eat."


"Why are you here?" Arthur asked as Merlin opened the door without as much as a knock.

"I need to borrow a shirt." He said walking straight to the closet ignoring the appalled look if the replacement servant Arthur had for the day.

"What? No Merlin you can not walk around Camelot in one of my shirts!" Arthur said and shrugged off the servant who was trying to dress him once more. He could do it himself.

"Not for me." Merlin said holding out a purple shirt, shaking his head and placing it back.

"Well. Who is it for?" Arthur asked walking up to the closet.

"Your father." Merlin stated and pulled out a white shirt. Merlin nodded and looked to Arthur for approval.

"What? My father won't fit in it." Arthur said as if the idea was absurd.

"That's what I thought." Merlin said and walked out the room. Arthur glanced at his half eaten breakfast and the door. He grabbed an apple and ran after his friends and servant.

"What do you mean 'that's what I thought'?" Arthur asked with a mouth full of apple.

"Your father has abs." Merlin said and Arthur started to choke.

"He does not!" Arthur said with an unbelieving smile.

"He does. Look for yourself." Arthur walked into the room to see his father sitting at his table eating his breakfast lost in thought.

"Father?" Arthur asked. Uther turned around in his chair and smiled.

"Arthur! What do I owe the pleasure?" His father asked getting up and showing his six-pack!

Arthur stared in shock. Until finally he turned to Merlin. "Oh my god! You weren't lying."

"Not you too." Uther said slightly disappointed.

"Merlin says you want to borrow one of my shirts?" Arthur asked still smiling. He couldn't believe it, the king was ripped.

"Yes. If you don't mind. Because apparently I look overweight." Uther said with a glare at Merlin.

"Did you say my father looks fat?" Arthur said turning to Merlin wit an accusing glare.

"Well, it was true." He handed Uther the white shirt. "And you know me Arthur. I tell you that all the time." With that he took of running as Arthur turned red, but still smiled.

"MERLIN!" Arthur then proceeded to chase his servant out of the room leaving Uther with the white, more fitted shirt. He put on the shirt and a black jacket over it. He had to admit the fabric was much lighter which was a relief. He placed the crown in his head and put in his gloves.

When Uther left his room in the shirt he immediately could feel the shocked stares of the people around him. He must have really looked nice because the maids and even some of the house ladies were staring with a tint of red on their cheeks. It made Uther smile.

What was funniest if all was when he went outside to see the knights. They all froze and from the back he even heard one knight whisper. "He's more toned than me."


Hey guys! I'm back! I'm finally starting to get back into Merlin fanfics again and because if it my creative juices for my Merlin books are finally kicking off again.

If your also reading my Queen of Magic series I'm hoping to have that up sometime within the next two weeks. But definitely before December so that's good. Yeah. I'll see you all soon!


Never Cease To AmazeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora