Chapter 9

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(America's POV)
After I tug my ear, Marlee gives me a strange look.
"What's wrong?" I ask her.
"Why'd you tug your ear?" Oh crap. Does she know?
"It was, uh, itchy!" I say. Luckily she is convinced and leaves me alone.
"Mmm. This food is divine!" She murmurs appreciatively to me.
"Mm I know!" I whisper back. Then I look back at the royal family. The queen is talking to her husband and her son, and Maxon has a worried look on his face. The queen then stands up to address the group.
"Girls, due to certain restrictions we are going to move the project due date to two days from now. I know this is sudden, but I feel that you guys will be ok because you've had a few days to work on it already. The Report will be in two days at 11 am." After the meal, I promptly excuse myself and run to my room. What should I do? I already had a list of things I want to do:
1) Food for the lower castes
2) Education until at least high school
3) specific castes=specific jobs
I wanted to somehow combine all of them, but I didn't know how. What I wanted to say on the Report was:
For my project, I say that we get education for the lower castes, so there's more people who can apply for a job so they can get money and not starve.
I knew from experience that families could sometimes go days without a decent meal. I feel that we should provide them food (like a decent meal) at least 3 or 4 times a week. Then, I begin my outline for my project.
(2 Hours Later)
I hear a soft knock at my door and groan slightly. I was almost done preparing my speech.
"America?" Oh shoot. It's Maxon. I completely forgot about our date.
"I'm so sorry!" I yell and go grab the doorknob.
"For what?" He says confusedly.
"For... Um, missing our date?" Did he forget too? Or did he mouth later at breakfast and I didn't see it? What-
"I had a lot of stuff I had to catch up on so I couldn't come earlier. So really I should be apologizing," Maxon says. He leans against my doorway and smirks.
"How's the palace treating you?" I stare into his chocolate brown eyes and lose myself for a minute. Then he says something but I miss it.
"Wait what?" Maxon laughs and says,
"Like to stare much?"
"Shut up!" I say jokingly. Then I invite him into my room. Then he stares into my eyes and I mimic him.
"Like to stare much?" I say in a high- pitched voice, trying to imitate Maxon.
"Shut up!" He says and we both laugh for a few minutes. Then, he says,
"Can I see how far you are on you're project?" I hesitate for a minute. Do I want him to see it? What if he doesn't like it?
"No, I want it to be a surprise." Maxon pouts a little.
"What did you really come here for? I know you had a reason," I tell him. He fakes looking offended and says,
"You don't like my company??" He actually looks really offended. I burst out laughing and peck him on the lips slightly. He looks surprised....
Not awkward silence, just.. enjoying each other's company kind of silence.
"You know.. I have a serious problem," Maxon whispers in my ear. We're on the balcony now, staring out at the sky.
"And that is...?"
"I can't seem to stay away from you. And don't expect me to start." I open my mouth to say something but he presses his lips to mine. It's moments like this that I enjoy. Enjoying each other's presence, having fun....
I love him.
It truly comes to me at this point. I know I already told him once before, but that was when I was sick and trying to make him feel better. When I told him last time, I wasn't 100% thinking about all of my actions. But now..
"I have a serious problem as well," I whisper against his lips. He smiles and murmurs,
"And what is that, my dear?" I shoot up from our position and nearly trip on my own feet.
"First of all, don't call me your dear," I say jokingly.
"Secondly-" But again, Maxon cuts me off and again kisses me. I feel sparks fly and it feels like my blood has been replaced by electricity.
Damn you, Maxon. You can make me feel as if I'm melting. Aspen never made me feel this way.
I put my arms around his neck and pull him closer. He puts his hands on my waist. Our lips move in sync and our kisses are getting deeper and deeper.
"America, we have oh.. I'm so sorry!!" We immediately pull away to see a flustered Lucy. I give her my biggest smile and say,
"It's fine."
"I'll just go now!!" Then she scurries out of the room with bright red cheeks.
"She must've been so embarrassed!" Maxon giggles and leans his head against my shoulder.
"Are you ready yet?" He asks suddenly.
"Ready for what?"
"To give up on your love from home. To fully open up to me. To marry me." I look at him in shock.
"Isn't it too soon? Not for me, but for your parents?" His face immediately drops and he nods drearily.
"Of course. My parents want to prolong this crap. I don't care anymore. All I want is you." Maxon then pulls me closer and we stare at the starts for awhile.
"You know.. I always bring the other girls to the movie theater, the pool, the sports area. But honestly, I like our meetings so much better. They're so much more fun."
"Mmm." Maxon is so comfortable. I start to nod off and my eyes get heavy.
"Hmm?" I say rather sleepily.
"How would you like to see my room?" Immediately, I'm wide awake.
"Did you just say what I think you said?"
"Umm, yeah?" He says confused.
"Then hell yeah!" I say excitedly and he grabs my hand and leads me to his room.
I think I'm ready to fully give up on Aspen. After all, he was only a stepping stool to get to Maxon.
"I'm ready!" I tell him.
"For what?"
"To get married," I whisper in his ear.

The Elite (Where the King is Nice)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz