Chapter 21

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(America's POV)
I sit in the hospital bed for the 4th day in a row. The nurses say I can't leave yet, but I don't see why not. Maxon hasn't visited me today at all, but I'm not surprised. He's probably laughing with Kriss in the gardens. The gardens. Our spot. Not theirs. Just then, a nurse walks in.
"Hello, miss." She greets.
"We'll just be doing some check-ups." Then, the nurse takes out a clipboard and starts writing down some stuff. I sigh. We do the same thing every day now.
"Okay, now let me see your arm now, please." She gestures to the arm that I broke. Then, she starts to murmur something to herself.
"Okay, II'll have the doctor come in a few minutes." She says and then leaves. A few minutes later, the doctor comes in, true to the nurse's word.
"Good afternoon, Miss Singer." He says and then glances down at the clipboard.
"According to this, I have to do a few more check-ups, and if everything is good to go, you can leave tomorrow." He says with a bright smile.
"Yes!!" I yell and fist bump the air with my unbroken arm.
"Sorry," I say sheepishly, "I got over excited." The doctor laughs and then starts to do the check-ups. After awhile, he looks at me and nods.
"Looks like you're good! You can leave tomorrow after lunch." He says. Then, he leaves the room. Lunch tomorrow?!? Why so late?!? Jeez, these people are really overprotective or something. Then, there's a knock at the door.
"Can I come in?" The person asks.
"Who is it?" I ask cautiously. If it's Maxon, I'm going to tell him to go away. I'm still angry at him; I just need some time.
"Clarkson." He says. Whoa, why is he visiting me?
"Come in," I say and he appears two seconds later.
"Hey America!" He says giving me a kind smile.
"A-" But he stops his sentence as an alarm goes off. The rebel alarm.
"Great..." He mutters and grabs me.
"But.. WAIT!!" I scream but he's already carrying me.
"The Northerners.." He tells me and I instantly understand. It's not that bad, but we shouldn't underestimate it. He gets me to the safe room. I see that Amberly is there as well.
"Hi!" I say and she motions for me to sit next to her.
"I don't think it'll be that bad; it's the Northerners." She says. I nod. Just then, the door to the safe room opens and Maxon and Kriss walk in. Anger runs through my veins. Maxon chose Kriss over me. Again. I glower at Maxon and turn to the corner and read a book. I quickly lose track of time.
"America?" Queen Amberly whispers.
"Yes, majesty?" I say out of habit. She playfully scolds me and I chuckle. She's so sweet. I hope she can be my mother-in-law.
"I'm going to speak to Maxon later," she murmurs so only I can hear.
"What?! No, that would make me look weak." I whisper-yell.
"America, sorry to tell you this, but Maxon keeps ditching you for Kriss and it's unacceptable!" She says angrily.
"Amberly honey?" Clarkson yells over. I stifle a laugh.
"Yes?" She responds, turning away from me.
"Did you see Lady Marlee anywhere?" He asks rather panicky.
"WHAT?!?" I shriek loudly. I avoid the looks that Kriss is giving me and run over to the King.
"Where is she?!? I demand.
"I-I don't know..." He stutters and falls into a chair. I lose my head and sprint out of the Safe Room.
"AMERICA!!!" A voice shrieks but I ignore it and slam the door shut. The place is a mess and there's stuff everywhere. Luckily, there's not glass everywhere again so I can take my heels off.
"HEY!! YOU!!" A rebel yells and starts to run towards me. I sprint away.
"Marlee! Marlee! MARLEE WHERE ARE YOU!!!" I screech.
"America?" I voice whimpers. I whip my head around and see Marlee. She's barely conscious.
"A-a-a-a-a-m-mer-r-r-ica." She stutters and then falls to the ground. A rebel grabs her and attempts to grab me. I scream and kick him and try to grab Marlee as well. Unfortunately, I miss her.
"MARLEE!!!!" I scream but she's too far away. No, no, no, no. She can't leave now. I fall to the ground and collapse in agony. I probably just ruined my chances to save Marlee.
"Hey!!" Someone yells. I look up and see a rebel with a gun. Crap. How am I going to get out of this? I get up and look him in the eye.
"Why hello. Have we met before?" I ask casually.
"Hands up!!" He growls and I kick him where it counts.
"OWWW!" He groans and drops the gun. I kick it away and punch his nose. Blood immediately starts to run down his face.
"Urgh. Stronger than you look," he grumbles to himself. He grabs my leg and launches me to the ground.
"ERGH." I scream and pain shoots up my leg. But then I remember Marlee. I will do this for her.
"America!" I hear someone shout in the distance. But the rebel grabs me by the throat and throws me against the wall. I grab the nearest object and smash it on his head. The rebel yelps in pain. Then, he throws me to the ground again and kicks my wrist. I jump up and punch his face.
"You really are stronger than you look!" He growls deeply at me.
"Don't judge a book by its cover!" I scream and grab him by the waist. We both fall to the ground. He grabs my hair and I repeatedly slam my head into his chin.
"Ow, ow, ow!" He grumbles and then someone calls out to me again.

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