Chapter 20

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(Maxon's POV)
America opens her mouth to explain but my dad barges in. Of course.
"America! You're ok!!" He yells happily and then smiles at her. America's fake smile is immediately replaced with a genuine one.
"Hey King Clarkson!" She says happily. Then my father turns to me.
"Maxon." He simply says.
"Why hello to you too, dad." I say back to him.
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Kriss?" He says Kriss' name with such disgust.
"Ummmm no?" I say pitifully. I turn back to America to see that she has paled.
"Are you ok?" I ask her. She pales even more and slides under the sheets.
"Please leave." She mumbles.
"Come on, dad, let's go," I say while motioning towards the door.
"No! King Clarkson, can you please stay?" She asks. My jaw drops in shock.
"W-What?" I am so confused about what's going on.
"Maxon, she wants you to leave," my father says to me.
"No buts, Maxon, leave." My father says firmly. I huff in frustration and stomp out of the room. Then, I run upstairs to my bedroom. Unfortunately, my mom is there, sitting on my bed.
"What's wrong, Maxon?" She asks while not even looking up from her scrapbook.
"I ditched America for Kriss and she found out!!" I say while holding back tears.
"I'm sure she still loves you," Mom says and then looks up.
"BUT SHE KICKED ME OUT OF HER HOSPITAL ROOM!!" I wail. I can't hold it in anymore and I know my mom will comfort me.
"Maxon, girls need time to get over things. We don't just let it go like nothing happened like you guys do. I speak from experience."
I roll my eyes and plop down on the bed.
"What am I goin-"
"Maxon son!!!" My father sings from the doorway.
"Hi," I say lamely. He kinda ruined a lot so I don't really feel like talking to him.
"What did u do?" He asks me.
"Nothing," I say while avoiding eye contact with him.
"Maxon, did you cheat on America?" He asks sternly.
"WHAT! How is it cheating if I'm supposed to date others girls for this selection Dad???"
"Maxon, you know that your mom and I are 100% supporting the fact that we want America be your wife," he says kindly to me.
"But..." I start to say but then get an idea.
"Bye dad talk to you later!!" I yell as I run out the door. On my way to the hospital, I see Kriss. Great, more drama. Hoping to avoid her, I start to turn around but unfortunately she spots me.
"Hey Maxon!!" She says sweetly. I grunt in response and she frowns.
"What's wrong?" She asks. I just shake my head.
"It's nothing, Kriss. Don't worry about it." I say and keep walking to the hospital.
"Maxon, wait! Please!!" Kriss begs me. I sigh and turn around.
"What do you want Kriss?" I ask woefully. I feel bad for talking other this way but, she is the whole reason I'm having this dilemma.
"Let's go to the garden to cool off." She suggests. Honestly, it is a very tempting offer. I've been so stressed lately. My father wants me to end the Selection in a few weeks, because I wouldn't actually get married to my bride for a year. That's yet another problem.
Should I marry America? Or Kriss?
America makes me feel happy all the time and her presence just makes me smile. I love her so much it hurts to be away from her.
But I also enjoy spending time with Kriss. Whenever I'm with her, we do fun stuff and it makes me feel happy. But honestly, I don't even think the feelings I have for her could be classified as love.
My next dilemma: Spend the afternoon with Kriss or America??
Sorry this took forever, I've been so busy with school! I'll be updating a lot more once school is finished. And don't worry, Marlee will come in soon as well!!

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