Chapter 30: Pandora's Box Part III

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Rays of sunlight escaped between the iron bars that were attached to the cell's tiny window. The light caused Atlanta to stir from her sleep, her bright azure eyes fluttering open as they took in her surroundings. Last night's memories rushed through her head as she remembered why she ended up jailed. She pushed herself up from the chilly rough floor, her silky blonde hair flowing around her as she stood up. 

               Dawn had come. Meaning death was near her at last. Death was not a foreign concept to her, she had escaped it's claws many times throughout her life. But this situation was different, there was no way she could escape Percy's plans for her. However, Atlanta remained to surprise herself, she was doing a good job at keeping her fear at bay. Atlanta wasn't scared to die, her only regret was that she should've fought harder against Percy when he challenged her for the throne. Atlanta thought she had played him well when he made her his lieutenant, but apparently he was tricking her. 

              Atlanta only hoped that she was able to reach Annabeth the other night. There was no saving Percy, only destroying him. He is twisted and manipulative in his own ways, and that led Atlanta to her death. And Percy would make sure his command is fulfilled. Just as promised, Atlanta suddenly heard the guards' echoing footsteps down the hall as they came to a halt in front of her cell. 

              It dawned at Atlanta that moment that escaping this would be impossible, there were six guards and four heavy chains she would be forced to drag with her. One of the guards fished a ket out of his pocket and unlocked the cell. They walked in and pulled her forward, the chains rattling loudly against the floor. As usual, the hallways were dim and empty aside from the many guards posted around each corner. 

               Two guards walked in front of her, two behind her and one at each side. There was no way she could escape without being highly injured. And if she did manage to slip away, Percy would haunt her down himself, that wasn't a risk she was willing to take. As they neared the huge golden doors that led to the arena, where she would be executed, sounds of cheers echoed through the walls as the campers awaited her death. They obviously wanted her dead, she was a traitor to them after all. 

              Tears flowed down her cheeks as the fear broke through her cage and caged her heart instead. This was it, Atlanta would die today, never able to fulfil her one goal, to do good and destroy all evil, including Percy. The cheers grew louder as the doors flew open and Atlanta was greeted with the shining sun and when her vision cleared she was met with hundreds of campers filling the seats of the arena, looking down at her with smiles on their faces. 

              She instantly spotted Percy seated at the centre of the arena, with Annabeth standing behind his throne. Annabeth's face was expressionless, unlike Percy who's smirk was plastered across his face. Atlanta didn't dare to weaken at his gaze, instead she held her head high and looked forward. 

              At the centre of the arena, laid a guillotine, the apparatus that would behead her. It was very rare for Percy to ever behead someone,he only kept it for special occasions. Apparently, this was special. The guards pushed her to her knees and tied her down at the bottom fame. Atlanta kept looking forward, ignoring the angled blade that was suspended above her. Percy stood from his throne, silencing the arena in a matter of seconds. "He who wields the darkness, will only be betrayed by the darkness. These were Atlanta's words when she burned a part of our forest. Your former queen, is a traitor. And you all know how we punish traitors, the death penalty." Percy sat back down as the cheers erupted once again. "Any last words Atlanta?" Percy asked. 

            Through her tears, Atlanta smiled. "You will be betrayed brother." The guard let go of the rope and the blade fell down swiftly, taking Atlanta's life. 


               Thanks to Poseidon , all the guards inside the palace were called to the throne room, to assist Zeus after he was betrayed by half of the Olympians. Jason raced down the hall, with the map in his hand, it was only a matter of time till they would get caught but Jason was determined to find Pandora's box. 

              "Are we close?" Reyna asked. 

               Jason halted in front of a huge painting, showcasing the gods seated on their thrones. "Even painted, they're ugly." Leo muttered with a smile on his face. 

               "Don't let Aphrodite hear you say that." Jason said as he stepped closer to the painting. "According to the map, there is a secret tunnel behind the painting." He gripped the painting's frame tightly and pulled it away from the wall. Fortunately, there was a tunnel that led to the secret library. 


               Poseidon waited patiently in the woods for the demigods to come back with Pandora's box. He done all he can to distract Zeus, and hopefully it was good enough. However, the fear of marching for war at the break of dawn scared him. Poseidon wasn't scared of a battle, he was scared of facing who his sone had become. He couldn't imagine Jason's plan failing. 

               Suddenly, low whispers erupted between the trees and Poseidon readied himself incase the voices were coming from guards searching for him to make sure he left Olympus. However, Jason followed by his friends appeared through the trees. Jason was carrying an ancient wooden box that would've passed as on old rotten object. But Poseidon knew well enough what evil and good laid in the box. 

                "No one noticed you, right?" Poseidon asked. 

                Jason shook his head. "Nope. It all went smoothly, thank to you. Thank you." 

               Poseidon smiled despite the circumstances. "Anytime. And thank you for giving my son a second chance." 

               "We will bring the old Percy back, he isn't gone, I can feel it." Reyna added. The dun had begun to rise over the mountains by the time the demigods finished packing their supplies. Jason placed the box safely in his bag, careful not to let it open, he then turned to his friends and said. "Dawn has come, now we march for war." 

End Of Chapter 30 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I can't wait to update the next one when everything goes down. I'm also back to following my updating schedule, every Thursday. 

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