Chapter 32: The Red Dawn Part II

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'He who walked the path of hell

who didn't know what we will tell

accused of committing a crime

only he knows what goes on in his mind

by the winter solstice it shall appear

and let everyone finally hear.'

As the sun will rise, the bloodshed will rise. As the sun will set, the bloodshed will come to an end. At sunrise, there will be two armies but at sunset there will only be one army standing. The standing army shall celebrate their victory, but it will be a short celebration. It will be interrupted. Because when hell rises, no army will be standing. Only hell's heir. 


The thick layer of fog was scattered across the jungle, making it impossible to navigate through it. But Annabeth kept moving forward, oblivious to her surroundings but not to her thoughts. Thanks to the huge weight of fear that caged her heart, she found it hard to breath or think straight. She would have to face Percy now, as his enemy and traitor. She prayed he had forgotten his promise, that he would kill her if she betrayed him. She won't die on the battlefield today. She would live, Annabeth didn't agree to have it any other way. 

               "Maybe you should've stayed back on the shore. We all know it's hard for you to face Percy." Thalia said as she came up next to her. The huntress had her short black hair pulled back into a tight braid and with her hair out of the way, her sapphire eyes glowed brighter with excitement and yet fear. Thalia was ready to fight. "It's hard for all of us. However that doesn't mean I leave the fighting for the rest of you while I hide on a ship, too emotional to deal with my reality." Annabeth didn't mean for her comment to come out sounding harsh, but she wasn't in the mood to discuss her feelings and also consider Thalia's. 

               Thalia replied with a silent nod, knowing not to press her forward. Along with the fog, fear and tension clung to the air as the army made it's way to the top of the hill. The demigods stood on the front lines, behind them, minor gods, centaurs, satyrs and nymphs stood. The Olympians would attack from above, but their main mission was to take out the sea monsters that would destroy their ships once they arrived. However, the sea creatures never attacked. Who knew what Percy truly intended to use them for. 

               "Annabeth, stop." Jason grabbed her arm. Annabeth was so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't realised they had already reached the top of the hill. Annabeth dared to glance at what lay ahead. She gasped as terror overtook her. It was the same battlefield from her dream, only it wasn't filled with dead bodies, yet. Annabeth had dreamt about this day, she had seen the bodies that will cover the Earth. Suddenly, the fog faded, as if it was splitting into two half, to revel their enemy. Percy's army stood on the other hill, and his green-black unnatural eyes starred right into hers. 

               Percy stood at the front, alone. His black armour could be spotted from miles away, causing anyone to turn the other direction. In his right hand, he gripped Riptide tightly. And despite the circumstances, he was smirking. The demigods stood behind him, along with the thousands of monsters that stood. Soaring through the skies, were the giant eagles Annabeth was greeted with when she first arrived, there were hundreds of them. Jason stepped forward, facing Percy, but before he could speak, Percy interrupted. 

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